Chapter eighteen- The bloodline representatives.

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Nightfall had been and gone and the sun began to rise over River Falls. It was the day after the world had felt the wrath of the vampires and life had changed forever. The air was filled with death and sadness, with no hope of it getting better anytime soon.
Katelyn was hiding out in Selena's house, along with Theo and Thalia Fox who had barely said a word, and Selena who was sitting by her dead aunts bedside, silently sobbing.
The goddess Freya had left as quickly as she'd arrived, and Katelyn couldn't help but wonder as to why an almighty being such as Freya couldn't just vanquish the vampires herself..
Katelyn knew there was a lot more to the other worlds and realms, and she wished she had payed more attention to what her parents had been trying to tell her for all those years.
There were rules that each world had to follow, in order to keep the balance.
But that balance had been disrupted now, thanks to Roman.
Thalia stood up from the sofa and headed towards the window.
"Look at all those dead birds." She tutted.
"Least of our worries right now." Theo whispered.
Thalia nodded in agreement as her phone hummed faintly and she went into the kitchen to take the call, leaving Theo and Katelyn alone.
The signal had been out for several hours, but every now and then it seemed to come back on for a while before cutting out again.
"So, er.. Kate. What's the plan?" He asked, confidently.
"Well..." she said, taking a deep breath. "We need to wait for the others first."
He sat beside her on the sofa, the room beamed with sunshine, and Theo slipped on his sunglasses.
"And, the baby? What are you going to do about that?" He questioned, gesturing to her unborn.
"I'll keep it I guess. Jocelyn told me something before she died..."
"Oh. Well you'll make a good ma I'm sure." He said reassuring her, just as Thalia finished her phone call and came back into the room.
"Right, the others are on their way. Except Liam. He's on his way from Italy, should be about a day or so." She informed.
"Okay, I guess we'll just have to move on without him." Katelyn said, coldly.
She stood up to go and check on her friend who had not left her aunts bedside for hours.
Theo and Thalia gave each other a look, but said nothing.
It wasn't the time to open up old wounds, especially with Katelyn so close to giving birth as well.
The day dragged by slowly and nightfall crept around yet again. The group had expanded as one by one the other bloodline representatives arrived. First there was Lainey Shepherd.
Tall, slim and athletic with waist length straight brown hair, and a Middle Eastern complexion Lainey was the brains of the group.
Camila Orman arrived wearing black doctor Martins, a mini-skirt and stepping over each individual dead crow on the pathway in disgust. Her thick, long strawberry blonde hair bundled into a side ponytail and her curvaceous figure jiggled with every step.
Willa Morrigan had ran from her house forty minutes away. She collapsed in the doorway to Selena's house and could barely speak from being out of breath.
She had a long bob hair style with perfectly sculpted bangs which were stuck to her forehead with sweat. Her ice blue eyes sparkled like little diamonds.
And finally there was Axel Hart. Smooth talking, heartthrob biker enthusiast Axel. The group heard his Kawasaki Ninja 650 before they had seen him pull up.
Thalia ran to the window just in time to see Axel in his biker boots, faded denim jeans, charcoal v-neck T-shirt and leather jacket. He had nape-length sandy brown hair and a thick beard to match.
He walked in the door, and the smell of leather and 'Gucci-Guilty' was enough to make any woman orgasm on the spot, let alone Thalia, who was practically drooling. Still, she had been in love with him since they were fifteen.
Axel didn't believe in dating his best friends sister, even if he did have a soft spot for Thalia.
While everyone discussed the madness of recent events and cooed over Katelyn's bump, Selena quietly crept downstairs to join the group.
"Oh honey! I'm so sorry about your aunt." Camila cried, as she held Selena close.
The room fell silent for a minute as one by one the group consoled a distraught Selena. Her eyes welled with tears and she tried to give a polite smile and tell them she was okay.
"Now everyone is here, we need to make a plan." She said, wiping her face.
"I'll be honest, I've not used magic since I was eleven." Camila sniffed.
"Yeah, I left all that behind, like way back in my teens." Axel said, smoothly.
"Okay..." Selena said, hands on her hips and looking round at the bewildered faces.
"It doesn't matter. It's in your blood and that's what counts. Your energy and your belief will be enough." Katelyn said, standing beside Selena.
"Kate- we're not talking about doing a little home blessing spell...." Thalia piped up. "This is sending a bunch of very powerful vampires to hell and shutting the gates for good."
The group suddenly had been hit with the realisation that they were way out of their depth.
"We need a plan B." Axel said, rubbing his chin in thought.
"Open to suggestions.." Katelyn muttered.
"We need to trap the alpha, weaken him and stick a stake in his heart, bury him where he will never be found and send a warning to the rest. That might buy some time until we find the ritual." Theo said.
"Why not just behead him, send it to the vampires and bury his body?." Lainey asked.
"Or burn him... alive."
"Fire won't kill him, it'll hurt but won't kill him." Selena said.
"Okay, let's think a minute." Katelyn sighed, rubbing her temples.
"We need bait." Axel said. "When's the baby coming? We can use it to lure him out."
Katelyn stopped and looked at him, horrified.
"Are you fucking serious? I'm not using my baby as bait!" She said, angrily.
"No harm would come to it!" Axel said.
"You can't promise that! And you don't know what he's capable of. This guy is a real piece of work. The worst of the worst." Katelyn shouted.
"Right, calm down. And Axel, use your brain before you speak. Jesus!" Selena said, sternly.
"Sorry, Katelyn. I didn't meant to upset you." He said, walking towards her and giving a squeeze on her shoulders.
"Just leave it, let's take a break and try to come up with a plausible plan that isn't going to get anyone killed." She smiled, and walked into the kitchen away from the group.
Resting against the cabinet she took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. The baby inside her wriggled around, hurting her insides and jabbing into her ribs.
Don't you start... she silently told her baby.
With that, a gush of water flooded onto the floor, and Katelyn realised it had come from her.
The baby was ready to be born.

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