Chapter seven-Trash.

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The carriage of vampires had fallen silent as the presence of a very tall, dark skinned man walked in. He wore a loosely fitted maroon shirt and smart black trousers. With a well defined physique and a strong jawline, this man had the appearance of someone powerful and respected. The man stood for a minute and admired Katelyn, which made her face burn with shame. She wriggled to cross her legs to hide herself, but it was no use.
"My name is Roman Black." The man said as he knelt down. "And you are?"
"Ka-Katelyn... Valentine."
"Well miss Valentine, you appear to be in the wrong place at the wrong time." His voice was deep, smooth and fluent English. "Well, for you anyway. For me this is like receiving a takeaway meal that I didn't order." He laughed.
"Tell me miss valentine, how old are you?"
"I'm thirty-four.."
"And do you have children?"
Roman stood up and placed himself on the chair next to Katelyn's head.
"That's quite a mess you have there on your face. Piss someone off did you?" He questioned.
"One of your sick little whores decided to kick me!" She shouted, angrily.
Nila made a dash for Katelyn as Grace held her back. Roman stood up and everyone silenced once again. Nila stopped in her tracks and sat back in her chair, her head to the floor.
Roman gave a disapproving look, as he began to roll up his sleeves to his shirt.
"I must apologise on behalf of my daughter, you see she has quite the temper on her. Too much power for such a little girl..." he said.
Roman appeared around mid-forties, but being a vampire he was probably a lot older. He was a good-looking man, with a neatly trimmed goatee beard and a clean-shaven head. Katelyn had guessed he was probably the alpha, given his presence around the other vampires, it was obvious he was the one calling all the shots.
"Look at me." He ordered.
Katelyn did as she was told and his eyes penetrated far beyond her soul. The mesmerising patterns that formed in his eyes were like deep oceans that she could just sink into. Her body began to relax and all thoughts began to fade away.
She couldn't move. Paralysis took over and the voices around her became hazy and disoriented. A black fog crept over her thoughts until there was nothing.
She could feel the chains loosen, but trying to move was just impossible. She could feel her body being dragged along the carriages and passing several more vampires.
Hundreds of them, occupying the train like a school field trip. They growled and made derogatory comments.
One vampire grabbed at her crotch only to receive a sharp, back-handed slap across the face from Roman in return.
Katelyn had no idea where they were taking her, what they were going to do or how long she had left to live.
After a while, she felt a sharp needle insert into her vein followed by a euphoric wave of happiness over her entire body.
She felt herself being slumped onto something cold and solid, as several of the vampires left the room.
Roman's voice echoed in the distance. She couldn't quite make out what he was saying...
"Feels good, doesn't it?.. it's opium." He said as he leaned closer. "Just sleep, you won't feel a thing."
Katelyn blinked several times before finally opening her eyes.
For a minute she had forgotten where she was, but as her eyes adjusted to the dim lighting and the damp walls, her memories came flooding back and she began to panic.
Restrained to a solid and cold metal bed frame, she squirmed around to try to loosen herself, but her arms felt heavy and weak. Stretched outright in the shape of a starfish, her genitalia tingled from the cold air, and she wasn't sure if she had urinated or was bleeding.
"It's no use." Roman mocked as he stepped from the shadows.
"Let me go! Please..."she begged.
"And why would I do that? We are having such a great time ." He drew his lower lip between his teeth and gently stroked her stomach, before placing his whole hand over her crotch.
"Get off me! Let me fucking go!"
"Oh stop.. please it's pathetic." Roman walked to the corner of the room towards a table, on it was a selection of fluid filled needles.
"You were much more enjoyable when you were out of it."
"What have you done to me?" She cried.
"Not much...But let's get down to business shall we? Roman snapped as he towered over her.
His jaw tightened and he loosened her restraints. His persona going from calm to hateful in seconds. He rolled her off the bed frame and onto the floor, landing with a thud.
"Your job is to quite simply carry my baby until it's ready to be born and then... well, you die." Roman said, as blunt as could be.
Katelyn remained on the floor, dumbfounded at what she was hearing. She almost laughed at such a ridiculous idea.
"No... definitely not, I don't consent to that!"
Roman laughed. "Who said anything about consent?" He threw a thin dirty mattress onto the bed frame and dusted it down.
Katelyn attempted to stand up, her legs collapsing underneath her. If she could just reach the door, and maybe get enough energy then she could make a run for it...
"Vampires can't produce babies! Your dead already!."
Roman began to remove his shirt. Followed by his shoes and then his trousers.
"Oh how wrong you dumb humans are. I have hundreds of children, all over the world. All half of me and half of human."
He dropped his clothes to the floor before finally removing his tight boxer shorts and revealing himself to a horrified Katelyn.
"Little Dhampir's running around, waiting for their brothers and sisters to be born." He said as he creeped towards her.
Katelyn screamed for help as she willed her body to just get the fuck up...but it was no use.
Roman grabbed hold of her, picking her up and putting her back onto the bed. He didn't bother to restrain her this time though.
"You have been the most feistiest one yet. The more you fight, the more it excites me." Roman leered, before revealing his vangs and sinking them deep into her neck.
The pain was unbearable.
But it was nothing compared to the torment he put her through afterwards. As he fed off her blood and silently raped her, Katelyn stopped fighting. She didn't attempt to fight him off anymore and she didn't cry a single tear.
She wanted to die. More than anything she wanted to stop existing.
Roman continued to feed off her until she passed out. He raped her several more times throughout the night before leaving her cold, naked and alone in the small room that had now become her hell.
He left her like a discarded piece of rubbish. Because to him, that's all she was.

What a nasty piece of work Roman is! Find out in the next chapter if Katelyn manages to escape...

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