Chapter six- Taken.

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Kicking and screaming, Katelyn tried to fight off the man in the long leather jacket. His giant, dirty hands clamped over her mouth and another arm grappled under her tiny waist.
Katelyn tried to reach to the back of her belt for her gun but her efforts where a fail, as the man marched into the train and threw her down onto the floor, right next to the woman she had watched being eaten alive.
The dead woman had no face now. Her identity destroyed and snatched away just like her newborn child was taken from her seconds after giving him life.
Who knew if the innocent little baby was still alive or not.
Several other vampires had circled around Katelyn, snarling and revealing their sharp fangs. Their eyes hungrily looking her up and down, sniffing the air and ready to pounce, as she accepted that she was no longer a human being, but she was food.
The vampires tied her up and stripped her of all clothing and her weapons. She was now completely at the mercy of the six emotionless freaks that stood before her.
"Watch her till Boss gets back." Leather coat grunted, as he threw his cigarette butt at her thigh. Katelyn squirmed to avoid the hot rock that had now fallen above her butt-cheek and was burning into her skin.
She winced in pain, squirming even more to try to distinguish the cigarette until eventually the heat subsided and all she was left with was a burn on her backside that stung for ages after.
Leather coat had left, presumably to fetch 'Boss'...
Katelyn studied the rest of the vampires who were still surrounding her, which was three males and two females. She tried to make eye contact with one of the females, hoping for a bit of compassion, but the woman gave a disgusted look and booted Katelyn in the face.
Stunned, head pounding and a mouthful of blood, Katelyn made a wailing noise and swallowed the fresh, metallic blood that had filled her mouth. She was sure she had swallowed a tooth, but she didn't care right now.
"Nila! Enough.." the other female warned.
Nila, the one who now had Katelyn's blood on her suede Chelsea boots, walked to the other end of the carriage and lit a cigarette. Her waist-length dark hair tied up in a ponytail, dressed in a denim jacket and tight white jeans, that now sported tiny speckles of blood.
"You wanna watch her, she's a vicious little fuck when she wants to be." Warned the other female. "By the way, I'm Grace."
Katelyn edges away as far as she could as Grace knelt down and was inches from her face.
"She's fucked your face right up." Grace winced.
Grace stood up and sat down on the seat beside Katelyn, and rummaged through the pockets of Katelyn's clothes retrieving the gun and holy water.
"Mateo! Get rid of these.." Grace said to the vampire with the baby face. With longish hair and a beard, he had similar features to Cassian.
Mateo did as he was told and took the belongs and the clothes and left the carriage.
"Now, I'm not gonna lie. You kinda walked into something you can't come back from." Grace said softly, her pouty red lips pursed together as she leaned closer to Katelyn, who was chained to  the vertical pole anchored between the floor and ceiling.
"Please, please let me go. I'm not here to hurt anyone! I'm a detective, I'm just looking for someone that's all." Katelyn pleaded.
"They always beg..." laughed Nila. As she stood up and walked over to sit opposite Grace. "To let you go means we would have to give a shit about you. And we don't. So you're not going anywhere honey."
Katelyn turned to Grace who seemed to be a bit kinder than the rest.
"Please! I won't tell anyone..."
The carriage of vampires erupted with laughter and sniggers as they mocked Katelyn's pleading.
Katelyn felt hopeless. Her heart sank and she allowed soft, silent tears fall to the floor. She watched as they fell one by one.
She imagined life without her in it. How Kyle would tell stories to her niece about her, and how the police community would have to bury yet another detective. She thought back to her fallout with her parents and wondered if it was worth losing contact, or if things could have been resolved. She thought over every dumb decision she'd ever made and decided this was by far the most stupidest thing she had done.
"Just kill me. Please. Just do it." She murmured.
They laughed again. Even Grace scoffed and flashed a hint of ridicule her way.
"Dumb bitch..." Nila said, frustration in her voice. "You're not going to die today. Father has other plans for you. So just shut up already!"
Katelyn did as she was told, in fear of another kick to the face, just as the carriage door slid open and leather-coat walked back in.
"He's back." He said. "Be ready..."

.....To be continued.

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