chapter 1- new student

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Denki pov:

I was sat in class like usual, my giant grin plastered on my face. It's so tiring, always pretending. I had to appear happy otherwise it would just put everyones mood down. And besides, I didnt want them to worry about me.

"-ki? Earth to denki?" A pink hand was waved infront of my face, pulling me away from my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I asked, a small smile forced on my face.

"Did you hear mr. Aizawa? Theres a new student!" The girl smiled wide, buzzing excitedly.

"Awe really? Cool! I hope they can join our squad!" I replied enthusiastically, hiding the fact that I dreaded having to fake happiness around another person.

"Yeah I'm so excited! Well apparently it's not actually someone new it's some guy from class 1c." She shrugged, a hand on her chin in thought.

"Okay settle down. Your giving me a goddamn headache. Anyways, the new student will be here any minute so dont scare him off." Aizawa rolled his eyes.

The class had fallen slightly silent but the chatter was picked up again when out teacher tucked himself behind his desk in a yellow sleeping bag.

"Hey bro!" Sero smiled, making his way towards me.

"Hi dude." I smiled back. Does he want to actually talk?

"Bro I'm so sorry but my phones dying, do you think you can charge it for me?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

Oh...hes just using me like everyone else...

"Sure dude. No problem." He smiled and passed me his phone and charger. He thanked me before running away to the rest of the squad.

I sighed gently before placing the end of the charger in my mouth. I was about to use my quirk a little when the deep voice of our teacher rang out through the classroom.

"Everyone shut the hell up, heres the student." Everyone stopped talking and perked up.

"His name is shinsou, and hes replacing mineta."

Smiles appeared on everyones faces, the girls cheered but were hushed by the teacher.

The door creaked and all eyes turned towards it. In walked a rather lanky boy with messy purple hair and a tired but nervous expression. He had bright lilac eyes which held a dull expression but his most prominent feature were the dark eyebags that cursed his face.

There was no denying that the boy before me was attractive, even with the sleep deprived look. He somehow can pull it off.

I felt a spark run through my body and seros phone buzzed. I glanced down and the phone was charging. What just happened....? I sheepishly glanced around the room to see people looking at me confused. The stares only lasted a couple of seconds before they returned to the boy.

The boy sighed as he walked towards the front desk, everyones eyes piercing into him.

"Theres a free seat beside deku or denki. Choose. But say something about yourself first." The teacher looked equally as tired as the student.

"I'm not here to make friends." His dull eyes scanned the room and there were a few whispers.

Mina leaned over from her desk and whispered something into my ear.

"That's what they all say." I chuckled slightly as she pulled away.

"Who's deku and denki?" The boy asked. The green haired boys hand shot up straight away as he stood up smiling.

"Hey shinsou! Nice to meet you, I'm izuku midoriya but everyone calls me deku." I watched as shinsou looked deku up and down and rolled his eyes.

"Denki say something..." mina elbowed me in the side as I internally groaned.

"Uh hey dude! I'm kaminari denki, you can sit beside me and chill if you like." I smiled slightly as I watched the boys eyes dart between me and deku.

"Its your choice completely, shinsou-kun." Deku smiled and so did I.

After a few more seconds of what appeared to be shinsou thinking, he groggily made his way towards me and sat at the table beside me with a thump.

"Wait you actually chose me?" I asked, the confusion obvious in my voice.

Shinsou pulled his head from the table and looked at me with his Same expression.

"Well yeah. Deku looks like hes too positive. It would he annoying." He rolled his eyes and pulled himself up to sit up.

"Yeah it does get a bit annoying." I chuckled softly.

The boy lazily propped his face against the palm of his hand and watched me with a curious and confused expression.

"Whys there a charger in your mouth?"

I realised I forgot about the charger dangling in my mouth and my face burned slightly.

"Oh-....uh I'm charging my friends phone!" I smiled, gripping the charger with my teeth so it didnt slip out.

At that, I heard the familiar voice of my friend call out. "Hey is my phone charged yet?"

Sero bounded over along with the rest of the squad. I watched them get closer as dread filled my stomach but I put on my usual smile and pulled the charger out of my mouth to speak.

"Uh its only been charging a few minutes bro. Eager much?" I laughed slightly.

"Sero has been talking to a girl online and we want to see the texts!" Mina smiled, slamming her hands on my table.

"Well it's only 15% bro..." I smiled sheepishly.

"Just go to a higher voltage. It will charge quicker right?" Sero asked still smiling. How does he smile that much? Its exhausting.

"B-but I'll fry my brain again-"

"Just do it dunce face. These idiots wont leave me alone until they show me these dumb fucking texts." Bakugo rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed.

Not wanting to have severe burns, I quickly pushed the charger in my mouth and hesitantly turned up the voltage.

I heard a buzz and laughs when everything went fuzzy. I tried to speak but only a weird hum came out.

"Wheeeeyyyy-" the laughter grew louder as I could barely function.

"Is he okay?"

Not wanting to worry anyone, I managed to stick my fingers up in a thumbs up and hum again. The laughter grew louder as everything went black.

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