chapter 9- wait, what happened?

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Shinsou pov:

I stared at this man who kept disrespecting kami. Anger seethed through my body so I focused on the slightly sting in my hand as kamis nails dug into my skin.

"You love someone who killed his own mother?"

Everyone went silent and my eyes darted to the man who had a blank expression. His eyes looked empty and his mouth held no smirk....hes not lying?

I turned my head to dad who just glared at the man. Kaminaris grip on my hand tightened, so I turned on my chair and angled my head so I could try and see his face.

"Kami?" I asked but he was just staring at the table with wide eyes as tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Kaminari...?" I repeated softly, gently grabbing his chin and turning his head to face me. His golden eyes just darted between my lilac ones, looking panicked.

"Momma...?" He mumbled quietly. I stared at him, slightly confused. I cupped his cheek and heard a fake gag noise come from across the table but I ignored it.

"Momma...please wake up...I-im scared!" His voice broke and his eyes squeezed shut as he grabbed my shoulders and started shaking me.

"Dad what-"

"Maybe hes having a flashback and thinks your his mother..." Dad mumbled from behind me. A few guards came over asking what is happening but I ignored them and focused on kaminari.

"Kami? Cmon. Follow me please." I gently pulled the sobbing boy up and quickly but gently started dragging him through the prison. As we ran through the halls with dad following, kami kept crying and calling out to his mother.

We FINNALY made it out of the prison but as soon as I started making my way to the car, kaminari collapsed to the floor sobbing.

"MOMMA PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME WITH HIM!" He pleaded, gripping his hair. His eyes were still screwed tightly shut as he struggled to breathe.

I rushed to his side and kneels on the floor.

"Kaminari. It's me, hitoshi. Remember?"

"M-momma?" He still sobbed.

"No kami, hitoshi shinsou." I replied calmly as I cupped his cheek and wiped away some tears.

"I'll get the car started." I heard dad say before he fast walked away.

"Kaminari? Are you there?" I asked gently grabbed his shoulders.

"H-hitoshi? Wheres momma?" He asked, not opening his eyes. I felt guilt pang in my chest, what am I supposed to say...?

I didnt even get a chance to respond before kami wrapped his arms around my neck, and sobbed into my ear. I held him close, letting his tears fall onto my shoulders.

"M-momma is gone,I-isnt she?" He asked weakly.

"I'm sorry,kami..." I said closing my eyes and hugging him tighter. He let out a broken sob as he gripped on tightly to my shirt.

"I'm here...its okay,kami." I ran my hand through his hair. For a few minutes, we sat on the ground hugging with kami crying into my shoulder while people gave us worried or confused glanced. That was until, the sobs eventually stopped and were replaced with gently snores.

I sighed, then gently wrapped my arms around kamis legs and carried him bridal style to the car. As I walked, I looked at kamis face. He had dried tears staining around his eyes and fresh tears still rolling down his cheek. He had a more peaceful expression now with drool falling from his lips. I smiled sadly and made it to the car.

"Hows he doing now?" Dad asked, holding the car door open for me.

"He cried himself to sleep..." I sighed as I shuffled into the car with kami on my lap. Dad nodded sadly in response and got in the front seat.

We drove through the streets, on our way back to UA. Kamis head rested on my shoulder and his legs were spread out over the seats.

"Were here. Take him straight to your dorm, hitoshi." Dad said as he opened the car door for me.

I nodded and gently scooped kami up before getting out of the car. I walked through the gates and across the yard, holding sleeping beauty. A few other students gave us weird glances but I just glared at them, rolled my eyes or ignored them.

I walked into the common room, hoping nobody would be in. I didnt want to have to explain this to them, but of course the whole class was there.

"Shins- omg what happened to denki?" Mina asked rushing over and inspecting his limp body. Murmurs filled the common room as I groaned.

"Everyone shut the fuck up. Hes just sleeping so be quiete." I rolled my eyes and tried to make my way through the crowd of worried students.

"Oh shinsou-kun, me and the rest of the deku-squad made some food for kami when he wakes up!" Deku flashed his closed eye smile.

I nodded and kept walking.

"We also picked some movies and made popcorn but only if hes up to it." Momo smiled softly.

"Yeah okay I'll tell him when he wakes up." I smiled slightly. This class is nice and all but they're tiring.

"Were watching the movies at 11pm by the way!" Another girl called out as I walked up the stairs, carrying denki.

I made it to my dorm room and fumbled with the handle for a while before I actually managed to get in. I gently layed kami on the bed and plopped down beside him with a tired sigh.

I hope he will open up to me about what happened with his mother...

I exhaled through my nose as I rested my hands under my head and stared at the ceiling. I felt the bed move gently as kaminari wiggled around, trying to get comfortable. He ended up settling with his head against my chest, hand limp on my shoulder and one leg propped up across my waist. I smiled as I shuffled around trying to find a comfy position and ended up with one hand on the back of this tight and an arm under him, draped over his shoulders.

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