chapter 5- please talk to me...

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Shinsou pov:

I decided to go for a walk since I was pretty bored. I strolled out of the UA gates, my hands warm in sitting in my pockets. Mina needs to really stop with her obsession, it gets super embarrassing and annoying sometimes.

I chuckled slightly at the thought of mina basically harassing me about my friendship with denki. The laugh was short lived as I saw the familiar figure stumble onto the school grounds covered in bruises and blood.

"D-denki?!" I yelled, as I started charging towards the swaying figure.

My breathing grew heavy as my feet moves on their own. The cold air rushed past my face as my eyes were glued to the boy.

"S-shinsou?" He collapsed to the floor but I slid under him so he landed on my lap. Tears pricked my eyes and I bit my lip to hide the sobs.

"Denki, what happened?" I asked, my breathe hitching. Denki didnt answer as he closed his eyes and went limp.

Thoughts raced through my mind but I ignored them and focused on one. Recovery girl!

I gently but swiftly scooped up the injured boy and began running back into UA.

I ran through the halls and was met with worried glances. I ignored every last one and focused on dodging students and trying to find recovery girl.

"Shinsou? No running-....what happened to him?!" The familiar voice of iida called out, waving his hands in the air.

"WHERES RECOVERY GIRL?!" I yelled, panic certainly showing in my voice.

Iida pointed to the left and told me it was straight down there. I didnt even thank him as I ran down the hall and burst into her office.

"Young man-"

"Help him! P-please!" My voice broke and more tears rolled down my cheek as I watched the old woman usher me over.

"Put him down there." She said pointing to a bed which I quickly walked over to and carefully placed denki down on the soft bed.

"Okay give me some space to work." The woman smiled slightly as I took a few steps back. She seemed to scan his body to see how many wounds there were and how deep they were. She took of his sweater to reveal a dark purple bruise covering half hid rib-cage. There were also a few cuts littering his torso and face.

The woman was lost in thought before she finnaly snapped out of it and bent down to the boy and placed a small and light kiss on his forehead.

A few smaller bruises disappeared and a few cuts but nothing major.

"I-is that it?!" I yelled in shock. She barely healed him!

"Young man, his energy is too low for any major healing right now so I've dont all I can at the moment. I can heal heal young..."

"Kaminari denki. Class 1a." I said sniffing.

"....young kaminari when he awakes and has more energy. But for now, I will bandage his injuries and clean them. You may inform your classmates of this occurrence now while I contact his homeroom teacher...which is?"

"...oh Uh mr. Aizawa."I mumbled staring at my first friend in the hospital bed.

"Okay thank you for your cooperation sunny now go tell your friends." She said and placed a hand on my shoulder. She was so small she could barely reach me without standing on her tippy toes.

I nodded silently and walked through the halls to my class. Everyone was there and in the middle of a lecture from aizawa.

"That's why you cant start reciting the whole script of the bee movie in my-"

"SHINSOU! Where were you?! And denki?!" Mina shot up from her seat and rushed over to me as she saw the tears staining my face.

"H-he..."I broke down, tears falling down my face like rain and my sobs muffled in her shirt.

The phone on aizawas desk rang as some more students ran over to me and comforted me.

"...yes?...okay....oh god...thanks bye." Aizawa hung up and all eyes turned to him.

"Kaminari is with recovery girl right now, apparently shinsou brought him in and hes badly injured-"

"WHAT?! OH MY BABY-" mina sobbed into my hair as the bakusquad surrounded us and wrapped their arms around us.

"-BUT he is in a stable position and needs rest. I advise you dont visit him until tommorow when he has some more rest. Chiyo did say that his closest friends can visit so that will be you five-"

As if on que, the whole squad ran out of the room, dragging me behind them as we darted through the halls and burst into recovery girls office.


"Shhh!" Bakugo cupped a hand over minas mouth and glared at her. Her tear filled eyes darted between bakugo and kaminaris frail and weak body before nodding. He hesitantly let go, which ended up with mina letting out a loud pained sob so bakugo wrapped his arms around her as she clung onto him crying.

I silently cried as I sat at the chair beside kami and softly grabbed his hand, rubbing my fingers over his cut knuckles.

"Hitoshi shinsou, you brought him in. Can you tell me what happened?"

"I-I dont know. He went out to see his dad and i w-went on a walk when i found h-him like this c-coming back..." i choked out between sobs.

"He was coming back from his fathers, you say?" The woman looked deep in thought and nodded while she walked out of the room.

The whole squad stayed in the office by kaminaris side all night. I fell asleep with my hand entertwined with his and my head resting beside his chest.


I woke up to something playing with my hair, which I enjoyed. My mind was running for about 5 seconds before my head bolted up and I stared into the golden eyes of kaminari.

"Kaminari!" I yelled smiling as i wrapped my arms around his neck and sobbed into the purple sweater which I put on him since his was bloodied.

"I'm fine-"

"No your not! You couldve died kami- what even happened?" I asked with a pleading expression.

His mouth opened slightly as he thought of what to say, he thought for a little too long if you ask me...

"I-I was mugged on the-"

"Dont lie to me. Please..." I begged.

"Denki your awake!"

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