chapter 10- be my boyfriend?

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Kaminari pov:

" Hey guys are you awake? Were starting the movies in 10 minutes. Come down if your up to it."

My eyes fluttered open and searched the room before they landed on the purple eyes of hitoshi.

"Hey. Your awake." He whispered softly with a gently smile.

"Yup." I mumbled, resting my chin on his chest. My head bobbed up and down, insinc with toshis soft breathing.

"Are you feeling a little better now?" He asked, using a free hand to brush some hair away from my eyes. I could already tell my face was a light shade of pink as his hand rested on my cheek.

"Yeah, thanks for helping me with...that." I chuckled nervously.

"Dont worry about it." He smiled gently.

"So are you up for watching a movie with a few others?"

I nodded with a smile and he gently grabbed my hand and handed me some pjs. I tucked in the white t-shirt with the purple shorts. I lifted the shirt to my nose and inhaled the sweet smell of hitoshis cologne.

"Are you smelling them?" I glanced up to see hitoshi smirking with a brow cocked.

" you-uh um..." hitoshi started laughing as he walked over to me in his fluffy black trousers and blue t-shirt.

"Your so cute. Cmon. If we dont hurry, them we might miss the movie." My bright red face cooled down as he grabbed my hand and started leading me to the common room.

"Hey guys, we decided we could come after all." Hitoshi said, making some people peek out over the couch.

"That's great! Were watching a horror mov-"

"Okay ima just head out now-" I turned on my heel and tried to walk away but was stopped by someone grabbing my wrist and yanking me back. I ended up spinning around and crashed against someones chest. Their hands were on my waist and mine were against their chest. I tilted my head up and saw toshi looking down at me smirking.

"Your not scared are you?~" he teased, raising a brow.

"What? No! Psh, of course not! I'm no scardy cat like kirishima!" I yelled.

"Its manly to admit your feelings denki!" Kirishima called over, he was sitting on bakugos lap.

"Bro, I accept feelings! I love him, that's a feeling." I smirked, but then it fell as the room went silent and I realised what I said.

Oh shit...

I stared wide eyed at hitoshis chest, not daring to look up at him. Fuck, I messed up-

I felt a hand gently grab my chin and tilt my head up. My bright burning face was no longer hid in toshis shirt and was now staring him right in the face.

"What did you say?" He asked looking me straight in the eye. My mouth soon felt verry dry and sweat covered my hands.

"I-uh y- isaidiloveyou?" I mumbled so quickly I'm surprised he even heard it. The room was encased in tension again. Then, hitoshi smiled at me. Like, not just any smile- it was fucking ADORABLE. He has little dimples in his cheeks when he smiles wide enough!

"I love you too." He said, still smiling. I was so shocked that I just stood there staring at him like an idiot. I finally snapped out of it and quickly wrapped my arms around toshis neck, stood on my tippy toes and pressed our lips together.

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