Chapter 3- To the mall!

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Shinsou pov:

I was sat quietly and peacefully at my desk until someone disturbed me.

"Hey shinsou!" The cheerful voice rang out. I internally groaned before tilting my head to the right.

"What do you want?" I stared at the yellow haired boy beside me. The boy immediately put on an innocent expression and held a hand to his chest.

"Who? Me?" He flopped his hand over and rolled his eyes. "Little ol' me just wanted to see how your doing!" He smiled widely almost blinding me.

"Uh huh sure. Like I said, i dont want friends." I stated glaring at his perfect smile.

"Oh really? Why?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm not a nice person, denki." I said, tearing my eyes away from the captivating smile and focusing on my work book.

"Says who?!" His voice raised slightly, gaining the attention of a few students.

"Let's just going by the law majority rules." I mumbled, doodling on the corner of my note book.

"Well screw that! Your going by the law 'denki rules' now. And I say your a nice person! You know why?" He asked smiling.

"Why?" I yawned.

"Because you helped me when nobody else would. You must be a nice person and in my mind you always will be, I dont care what other people say!" He smiled ultra- bright as I stared at him in disbelief.

I was at a loss for words so I just mumbled 'whatever.'

~time skip to lunch~

"Hey shinsou! Come sit with us!" Denki called me over.

I glanced at the boy who was sitting with the angry blonde guy, the pink alien girl, the dude and red sharky boi.

I reluctantly went over and sat in between denki and pinky, knowing I had no one else to sit with.

I sat silently as I listened contently to the banter and chatter of the group.

"Hey shinsou do you want to come too?" Kirishima asked. I'd actually learned their names now.

"Yeah! You totally should SHINSOU!" Mina nodded.

"Uh where,when and who is going?" I asked, shoveling some rice in my mouth.

"The mall, tomorrow since were off and everyone at this table- well ar still need to convince denks to go but I bet that if you say yes he'll come." Mina smirked.

"Fine. 'S not like I have anything better to do." I said shrugging.

"Okay great! Kami you coming?" Mina turned her attention to the boy who has been rather quiet.

"Uh I'm not sure guys..." he trailed off messing with the food on his plate.

"I'll only go If you go." I put some more rice in my mouth.

"What? Whyyyyy?" He whined with food in his mouth.

"I'm not going to hang around with your friends without you, am I?" I rolled my eyes.

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