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   I have always been Christine Daae's friend from birth. After her father died, Madame Giry took us in since I was orphaned at a young age. We trained and became dancers. Well, I learned how to stitch and move scenes around. Today was no different than the past couple of years.

"Hello Madame Giry." I passed her as I was on my way to Christine's room. I knocked. No answer. I knocked again. Then that's when I heard him. His voice was so beautiful and Christine's, I assumed, voice was also beautiful. The singing stopped. I heard some shuffling then BAM! Christine's door hit my nose.

"Oh my goodness! I am so sorry Y/n." I was bleeding.

"No, it's my fault. Let me just get some of your gauges." I went into her room and searched for it. I noticed that her mirror was opened. Just a little bit. I wondered if it was a two way mirror.

"Huh, that's strange." I opened it up even more.

There was a passage way that lead to who knows where. I went in. I passed many candelabras that looked like arms. I thought that they had moved as I passed them. As I made my way through the passageway, I noticed a black horse.

"Neigh." He said to me.

"Oh, well hello there!" I said, petting his back. I found a carrot and gave it to him.

I followed the passage way until I came across a lake. Thank Goodness I could swim, but luckily, there was a boat.

      A/N: Sorry if the chapter was short. There is more coming soon.  P.S. This is based off of the 2004 film.

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