The Angel of Music!

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A/N: Alright, this next part with the alligators was from the book(I think, it's been to long since I've read it.) "On With The Show!" :>

I rowed but stopped. Could the Phantom live here? And if he does, will the Punjab Lasso kill me? I start to worry. My nervous ticks kicked in. I thought I saw an alligator AND I WASN'T WRONG! Alligators started to attack me! I screamed, "HELP ME!" But I knew there was no one around. I hit my head trying to hit an alligator with the oar. Darkness surrounded me.


I awoke with a banging feeling in my head. I looked around to find myself on a swan boat bed.

"What? Agh!" My head throbbed. Someone came over and put a wet towel on my head.

"Shh, rest." The voice was soothing.

"Who are you?"

"The Angel of Music." Could it be? Christine's father said he'd send the Angel of Music.


"Shh." The voice shushed me. I decided to rest as he said. My head hit the pillow.

The next day I found myself in my bedroom. I reached to touch my nose. It had stopped bleeding and my head felt better.

"I must thank him." Remembering the Angel. I got up and dressed in this -->. I went into Christine's room, (After asking of course) to borrow her brush since Carlotta's dog ripped up mine.

"Hey Christine! Guess what?" I ask Christine.

"What?" She says.

"I've met the Angel of Music after he saved me!" Christine gasped.

"So you've met him too." I nodded. She gave me a smile.

"How did you met him?" I ask.

"I really don't remember. But he gives me music lessons."

"Huh." We walked out on to the stage. We were practicing for the upcoming show, Hannibal. Carlotta had been screeching all morning and it wasn't even 8:00 in the morning. Her dress was being ripped constantly and the poor seamstress was in tears. Madame Giry was banging her staff because a dancer didn't do the rond de jambe right, Joseph kept scaring girls with the tale of the Phantom of the opera, and Carlotta wouldn't stop screeching. All of this was to much to handle so I ran off to a secret room where the stagehands liked to hide their things. I began to sob when I heard the voice. Again. He was singing. I followed it up on to the catwalk where I thought I saw a black cape and a white mask. AND I WAS RIGHT! AGAIN! He was dressed all in black AND WAS DROPPING A BACKDROP ON CARLOTTA!!!

"HEY STOP!" I cry. I rush up to the man, or woman, to try to stop them from dropping a backdrop on the Prima Donna. But I tripped over my boot lace and fell over the catwalk.

"My life is ending!" I whisper. A gloved hand caught mine. I look up to see the white mask. He lifted me back on the catwalk.

"You saved me. And I thank you." I hugged him because I am a huger. Stage hands rush over to where the backdrop was tied. The masked man picked me up and moved me to where I was crying.

"Stay here." He whispered. "And give this to Madame Giry." He handed me a letter.

"Okay." He left.

Erik's New Love (Phantom of the opera x reader)Where stories live. Discover now