Mr. Y Meets Madame L/n Ten Years Later

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A/n: So 10 yrs later, yeah. Bonus chapter AND Y/n got amnesia. I'll tell u when. "On With The Show!" :>

Y/n's P.O.V:

"AHHH! Breathe that New York air!" I exclaim.

"(Sniffs) It smells like the ocean. And sulfur. Why?"

"Because young Gustave, it. Is. NEW YORK!!!" Little Gustave shrugged. I guess he didn't like New York as I did.We arrived to New York City. It was beautiful! Lots of people came to the dock and poor Christine was swamped by the crowd. There were many questions. Like was I the one who was taken by the Phantom.

"But I don't remember that. I remember a man kissing me. And there was no moon." I said.


"Gustave, what's that?"

"This is a tiny animatronic, given to me by those people from the ghost dranw carriage." Raoul had gone to the bar to get a drink.

"Time for bed!" Christine called.

"Okay mother." Gusatve was such an obedient child. I pick up his toy and put it on the desk. The balcony door opened and a white masked man came in.

"Y/n?" He said.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Don't you remember me Y/n?"

"I think I would remember you if I knew you."

"Well,I am," He hesitates. "Y. Mr. Y"

"What's under your mask?"

" I don't want to show you."

"Oh please Mr.Y."

"Alright..." He took off his mask. His face was deformed. I somehow didn't mind it. But everything from my past hit me and I collapsed.


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