Before the Performance

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Y/n's P.O.V:

I was sitting in the dressing room next to Christine getting ready for the performance. Gustave was helping his mother.

"You look beautiful Y/n." Gustave says to me.

"Aww, thank you Gustave." He hands me the earrings. There was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" Gustave asked.

"It's me, Raoul. I need to speak to your Mother, Gustave." Gustave let Raoul in.

"What is it you need to speak to me about?" Asked Christine.

"Let's do it outside please." Raoul looked nervous. They left me with Gustave following behind. I wanted to follow them but the doors had locked me inside.

I turn around to find Erik standing there.


"Yes my darling Y/n?" What I had to say wasn't gonna come out of my mouth. I rushed towards him and hugged Erik.

"Will you tell me what is going on please?" I did my puppy eyes.

"Of course" Erik ran his fingers through my H/c hair. He explained everything.


I was standing on the stage. People were watching me. This was scary. And then the music started. I looked at the curtains. Raoul and Erik were at both sides. I took in a deep breath.

"Who knows when love begins
Who knows what makes it start
One day it's simply there
Alive inside your heart

It slips into your thoughts
It infiltrates your soul
It takes you by surprise
Then seizes full control

Try to deny it
And try to protest
But love won't let you go
Once you've been possessed

Love never dies
Love never falters
Once it has spoken
Love is yours

Love never fades
Love never alters
Hearts may get broken
Love endures
Hearts may get broken
Love endures

And soon as you submit
Surrender flesh and bone
That love takes on a life
Much bigger than your own

It uses you at whim
And drives you to despair
And forces you to feel
More joy than you can bear

Love gives you pleasure
And love brings you pain
And yet when both are gone
Love will still remain

Once it has spoken
Love is yours
Love never dies
Love never alters

Hearts may get broken
Love endures
Hearts may get broken

Love never dies
Love will continue
Love keeps on beating
When you're gone

Love never dies
Once it is in you
Love may be fleeting
Love lives on

Love is enduring
Love lives on."

When I finish, everyone starts to clap. I run off stage, open my arms, trip (I really need to stop tripping), and fall into Erik's arms.

"You did wonderful Y/n." He smiled.

"Thank yo-." I was cut off by Erik's kiss. I didn't kiss back but even after he was done, Erik still lingered. THEN, (Credit to fanartists!)

"I love you Erik."

"I love you too, Y/n." We headed back to the stage where everyone was all over the place.

"Christine! What's wrong?" I ask her.

"Gustave is missing!"

"And I know where he is! Follow me!" Madame Giry lead us to where Gustave could be.

Erik's New Love (Phantom of the opera x reader)Where stories live. Discover now