Chapter Twelve-On Purpose

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After shedding my sweatpants, it doesn't take me as long as Tony to remove the bandages. Probably because I'm not distracted and I'm not being gentle. Once they're all gone, I can at least breathe a sigh in relief at being free of the constricting things, then I turn and catch my reflection in the mirror. I blink before turning fully in that direction.

I almost don't recognize myself. My body is all in patches of skin, raw flesh, and raw flash tinted creamy green by the ointment. The toned muscles I'd worked hard to build have waned slightly and my high metabolism has eaten away at the rest. I look almost...gaunt. Especially with my burgeoning beard, long, messy hair, and tired eyes. I don't look back at the mirror before smoothing cream over my wrists, ankles, and the rest of the worse burns. Tony comes back in just as I'm finishing up, but I barely feel like lifting my head to see him anymore. I'm having a hard time feeling anything, but I do. There's an overwhelming feeling that I can't name that's fighting with the numbness, but I'm not sure which I'd rather win.

"Here you go, G." He says and drapes something over the screen. I reach for it and hold it in my hands, then nearly chuckle before slipping it on. My eyes once again don't go to the mirror before stepping out, but do meet Tony's.

"I've got to say this is one of your cruelest pranks yet." I comment and he half-grins sheepishly.

"It's the only thing that would work. Got to keep those clean." He says while scanning me in a slightly nicer than usual hospital gown with one sleeve nearly all cut off to show off my burn. At least this gown doesn't have my ass hanging out the back. "You...ready?" He asks expectantly and my shoulders droop. "How about this, we get some food in you first. Take a little break." My eyes lift to his as I nod. "Alright." He ducks under my arm and we amble into the kitchen.

He helps me slide onto a barstool and starts the normal process of making coffee. I'm about to slide off and grab a water before he points a finger at me without even turning around from his grounds. "Need something, then ask. No moving for you." Sighing, I shake my head.

"A glass of water." I specify and I can see Tony make a mental note of this before sliding iced water my way.

"Slow sips." He tells me with a firm look and I take a tiny slurp just to please him. The cold-water tastes better than anything in the world. Tony then starts just making breakfast in our mutual silence. At least, until I break it.

"How's everyone else?"

"The kids? We've already set up safehouses for those who just wanted out while the rest are staying here. All injuries checked out and there was nothing serious. Most wanted to wait and see you. Des and Ramona have been looking after all of them most of the time since they don't trust the rest of us." Tony reports and I nod. Sounds about right considering everything they've been through. It's probably the best outcome we could hope for. "The team, however, is worried." Guilt sinks into me as Tony glances over his shoulder to look at me. "Couldn't just send them away, G, so they're still here. Giving you a little space, but..." he shrugs. "Like I said, they're worried about you."

"They don't need to be worried about me."

"Really?" Tony says and shoves everything off the stove then turns away to face me fully. "How would you feel in their position?" My jaw clenches since I know exactly how I'd feel. I was just in their position a little while ago staring at Peter in a hospital bed. "This is going to be an uphill battle kid, and I understand wanting to take your time. Just don't shut us out."

"I'm not really in the mood for a speech, Tony."

"But maybe you need one, Grant." I huff, but Tony just rounds the counter and turns the stool towards him so I have to face him. My head hangs so I don't have to meet his eyes, but he tilts my head up with a hand under my chin and another on my cheek. "You're cared for." He tells me and I feel a wave of that unnamed emotion rise up in me as tears sting my eyes.

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