Evening Walk

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You were tossing and turning that night, unable to sleep for some reason. You just couldn't get comfortable and it seemed like your body just refused to try and rest.

Giving up, you sat up on your bed and heaved a sigh, looking out in the dimly lit room, the only light source being the window above your bed. The room was quiet.

You stood up and went to your door, opening it slowly so you wouldn't disturb anything. The hall lights were dimly lit, but light enough where you wouldn't trip over your feet. You made your way to the lobby.

When you made it to the lobby, it was dark, besides the dim light shining through the windows leaving spotlights on the floor. You heard a bit of snoring in the direction of the small living room. You assumed that Husk fell asleep on the couch again. You tip-toed out of the lobby and made your way out the door.

The cool air greeted you kindly and you sighed, enjoying the feeling. You began your walk to a nearby park area. Not many people noticed you, thankfully. Or if they did, they didn't bother you at all.


You reached the park relatively unbothered, some tried to bum you of drugs and other things but you ignored them.

While you were walking on the dirty path through the park, you started hearing some voices in the distance. Once you got closer, it sounded like someone was arguing. You didn't really want to get in the middle of an argument between strangers.

Until you heard the wavering voice of someone familiar. 

"I-I'm s-sorry sir, I didn't mean to get in your way..." It was Al. And he looked terrified of the angry demon in front of him.

As you continued to approach you started hearing the other demon better.

"Didn't mean too? Yous bumped inta' me!" The angry one was short and kinda round. He looked like a failed mob boss with the outfit he was wearing. And his try-hard Boston accent was hard to listen to. Angel would have a blast making fun of him.

"What's happening?" You approached the two, getting ready to defend Al. The demon looked up at you, his face was turning red with anger. You almost laughed at him.

"This blue twig walked inta' me while I was takin' a stroll! Can ya' believes it?" The fat man said.

You gave a thinking expression, tapping your finger on your cheek. Al looked at you worriedly, like you were going to take the other man's side on this. Shrugging, you looked at the man.

"I can believe it, he's a klutz, and this is hell. Which means I can deck your sorry face if I need too. Or just push you over and watch you roll like a pig to get back up. Which do ya want?" You said with a toothy smirk. 

His face got even redder and he started spouting profanities and you laughed. Al attempted to laugh with you but it sounded more awkward than anything else. 

You decided to push the man over, which caused him to yelp in surprise and throw more profanities as you and Al walked away.

"Are you okay?" You asked him, and grabbed his hand. Looking up at him, you noticed tears threaten to spill. Taking the cuff of your sleeve, you wiped the tears away and smiled at him, he smiled back and nodded.

"I-I'll be fine (Y/n), thank you for helping me..." He softly said before hugging you. You hugged back and reassured him that whenever he needs help, just call you. He agreed. 

"Let's go back to the hotel, shall we?" You asked. He nodded and you both began the walk back to the hotel hand in hand.


2p!Alastor request sent by EnamoredEve14! Thank you for the request, I love doing 2!p Al, it's so cute

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