The Quiet Giant

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The Bell rang and Class 1B hastily took their seats as their homeroom teacher, Vlad King entered the room.

Vlad: Good morning Students. Today we have a very exciting class, on hero informatics.

Class 1B: How is that exciting?

Vlad King: In other words, as a hero, you need hero names. Time to pick your hero names. It's all related to the draft picking. Normally first years don't have to worry about the draft, not until they're second or third years, but this year is different. So let's get to it, we'll be having a special guest today who'll be helping you pick your names.

Midnight: Hello noobies! So, today you'll be choosing hero names, eh? Well, choose wisely, because what you pick today could be your code name for life! You better be careful, or you'll be stuck with something utterly indecent!

Class 1B: Woah, it's Midnight!

Vlad: Miss Midnight and I will have final approval over your names. The name you give yourself is very important. It shows what kind of Hero you want to be and helps enforce your image drastically. A code name tells people exactly what you represent. Let's begin.

Midnight passed dry erase boards and markers to each person sitting in the front row. They passed them down one by one until every student had a marker and board. Everyone either began brainstorming or writing things down. Some even bounced ideas off one another.

(30 minutes later)

Midnight: Alright, which brave soul wants to start?

Rin: Wait, we're presenting these?

Midnight: Yep! And thank you for volunteering first Rin! Come on up!

Rin: But.. But.. Okay.

Rin made his way up to the podium. He flipped the dry erase board around.

Rin: Dragon Shroud!

Midnight scrutinized the name for a minute.

Midnight: Love it!

Rin breathed a sigh of relief.

Midnight: Who's next?

Kendo: Battle Fist!

Midnight: Super!

TetsuTetsu: Real Steel!

Midnight: Bravo!

Awase: Welder!

Midnight: bland but Interesting! Next!

Fukidashi: Manga man!

Midnight: Wow!

Tokage: Lizardy!

Midnight: That suits you!

Komori: Shemage!

Midnight: Represent that name girl!

Monoma: Phantom Thief.

Midnight: What a Steal!

Kamakiri: Jack Mantis!

Midnight: Sharp!

The rest of the students went about presenting their names. It was going relatively smooth and the class was flying through. Everyone had gone but one at this point. The last one was Kojiro Bondo.

Midnight: Bondo, have you chosen a hero name?

Bondo just stayed silent. He slowly got out of his seat and went up to the Podium. He had his head down the entire time. When he reached the front. The room was dead silent. The AC running filled the room while all eyes rested on Class 1B's Quiet Giant. Bondo began to shake. He quickly held up his sign and looked away from the rest of the class, putting his head down once again.

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