The Group Chat

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Hero work-studies for the Hero course classes 1A and 1B were right around the corner and everyone was thrilled to finally get some real Hero field experience under their belts. Some students received offers from agencies and some students had agencies picked for them based on their quirks. Classes at UA would be put on hold for a whole week as the students would technically be employed by said agencies they choose or had picked for them. Hero course Class 1B students were chatting about their work studies and sharing their excitement with one another in the commons area of their dorms after a long day of classes! 

Tokage: Guys, I can hardly contain myself, finally some real hero work! This is gonna be so sick!

Yanagi: It may not look like it, but I'm pretty excited myself. Being in a classroom and training grounds all the time can get very mundane, very fast.

Kendo: Well, we are still students Yanagi. We haven't graduated nor are we heroes yet, but we're defiantly on the right track! Like my gramps always use to say, slow and steady always wins the race! 

Yanagi just nodded her head with a very faint smile. While the Girls were chatting, some of the Boys of Class 1B walked by, Kaibara, Rin, Tsuburaba and Awase. They overhead the Girl's conversation about work studies.

Rin: Hey ladies, what are you all talking about?

Tokage: Heya boys, we're just talking about our work studies, are you just about as ready for them as we are?

Awase: Oh heck yeah! I'm ready to do some real hero work!

Tokage: Exactly dude, that's what I said! 

Kaibara: I am as well. I think it'll be a really nice experience for all of us. Not just nice, but beneficial. And I'm so happy even the students who didn't get offers are still interning as well!

Tsuburaba: Are you just saying that because you didn't get any offers? hehe

Kaibara: Shut up, you didn't get any either!

Tsuburaba and Kaibara started bickering back and forth for a minute until Kendo put her Two cents in to shut them both up. 

Kendo: Boys, calm down! I didn't get any either but look on the bright side like Kaibara said, at least we're all getting an equal chance to be successful.

Komori: Yeah! shroom. 

Rin: I have a question. So theoretically, aren't we employed at said agencies?

Yanagi: I was wondering that too. 

Kendo: Sort of, yes. Hero work studies basically allow us to experience real hero work. Being employed, patrols, crime-fighting, everything that pros experience, we'll be experiencing ourselves first hand!

Tsuburaba: You think we'll be getting paid?

Kendo: Who cares about that! We're getting actual field experience! Isn't that beneficial enough!?

Tokage: Can't say I don't agree with him though, Kendo. I kinda need a new makeup palette...

Komori: And what happened to the one I got you for Christmas? Shroom.

Tokage: Well, you see. A few nights ago, Kamakiri and I were hanging out in my dorm and I wanted to do his makeup for fun. He declined and declined so many times until he finally gave in out of pure annoyance. I did his makeup and ended up a lot of the palette, sorry!

There were a few seconds of silence to take in what Tokage just said. Then suddenly some of the Students burst out laughing hysterically, like maniacs. To them, the idea that the toughest and most freighting guy in their class had makeup on just made them take him a little less seriously.

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