Note no. 80

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.Pandora Bellamoore.

"Do you think he will say mom or dad first?" Alessandro asked with his right ear against my stomach. "I can hear him speaking."

A chuckle left my mouth "We don't even know if it's he or she, dummy."

"Call it a seventh sense," he said proudly.

My right eyebrow arched "Isn't it a sixth sense?"

"I already have that, seventh is obviously higher," he gazed up at me with a soft smile on his lips. "Are you nervous?"

"A little," I replied and it's the truth. "Are you nervous? I could hear you playing hide and seek with Aldo in the middle of the night."

A blush conquered his face, making my smile grow "He's a puppy and needs to be worn out to fall asleep so we had to play—"

"It's cute, Alessandro," I told, tracing his nose. "Could you answer my question?"

"Well," he sat up, clearing his throat "I am quiet on edge but nothing a shot of tequila can't fix," the blondie fidgeted with his fingers.

"Why are you nervous?" My hand gently stopped his fidgeting.

The man let out a deep sigh "I've always wanted to have a baby," he told and his face turned red. "I was an only child for 12 years and for those twelve years I wished to have a sibling. Once my little sister was born I fell in love with her; in a non-creepy way, of course."

"I understand what you mean, Alessandro," memories of Thea making dessert with dad invaded my mind. "I was in love with my sister in some sort of way too; it might sound controversial but it isn't, it just means I loved her deeply, putting everything else aside."

"Exactly," a grin formed on his lips. "You always get me, dolcezza."

"And you get me," I tried to reach for his hand but the one I was using still hurts a lot so he met me in the middle. "Thank you. Have you heard anything from Babilonia? I kinda miss him," a soft chuckle left my mouth.

Alessandro nodded "Yeah, he's coming back tomorrow morning."

My grin immediately faded as a lump formed in the back of my throat "He has him?"

The blonde nodded as he sat on his heels "Arabella and Apollo have a private island on the Tyrrhenian sea, Babilonia left him there this morning and tomorrow Arabella is leaving to take care of him–"

"I want to take part in it, I want to make him pay for what he did to Rex and me," my heart thumped against my chest at the memory of Rex on the floor with blood all around him.

He nodded softly "I'll ask Arabella to not touch him unt–" someone walked into the room; Arabella.

"I wasn't planning on touching him until Pandora is healed," the woman said with a soft smile on her lips. "That monster is hers to destroy; in the meantime, I'll have him fed once a day, he'll live in the dark, be chained from his ankles, and maybe I'll ask someone to throw a bucket of cold water at him every night before bedtime. Any ideas you have in mind to make these following six weeks the worst of his life?" she smiled like we were talking about something mundane; it doesn't matter the subject, Arabella always makes you safe and accompanied.

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