The berries

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.Alessandro Cavallaro.

"Hey!" Apollo slapped the back of my head, snapping me out of my trance. "Are you paying attention to me?"

I cleared my throat, rubbing the back of my head "Sorry, I'm just—"

"Worried, I can see that," he grabbed the bowls that were in front of me to serve the chilaquiles he made for his wife but he's also gonna eat that. "So, why are you so interested in her?"

"Because what happened to her—"

"Beyond that," he opened the fridge. "What happened between the two of you?" He stood beside me with the tankard of fresh orange juice.

"From the moment I laid eyes on her, it was over," a soft smile appeared on my lips. "She was glowing like morning dew under the sun on a summer day...I had the urge to make her mine and she let me."

"There's something wrong in our blood that makes us extra horny," Apollo told, patting my back. "So, are you in love?"

My smile weakened "I don't know what it is but I can't seem to stop thinking about her and now that she's here, my priorities have changed." I felt my face turn hot.

"Everything else is insignificant and she becomes the only thing in your mind," he said in a soft tone. "I knew I was in love with Arabella two weeks after we got married; we were walking through a park in Paris, she was walking in front of me as she ate these fresh raspberries we went to pick the previous day..." my cousin wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Arabella turned around and started walking backward, against my recommendation she kept on doing it and ended up on the floor. This is really dumb but in those seconds I saw her fall, I felt like my whole world was crumbling down, quite literally," the man chuckled softly. "I could've not cared at all because we didn't make the decision of bonding our lives but I cared and deeply, so much that that night I locked myself in the bathroom and cried for two hours thinking that just for the sole reason of being married to me she was in danger. So, do you care deeply?"

Tears sprung my eyes as I walked out of the kitchen to look at Pandora through the living room French doors "She could be carrying my child..." my voice broke. Pandora was wearing the hat as she talked with Arabella, there was a smile on her face which is perfect; in these hard times, she needs someone who will make her smile and forget for a while that this world is fucked up.

"Well, that changes a lot," he let out a deep sigh. "And if she is, you're obviously going to take care of—"

"Even if it's not mine, I'll take care of her and the baby as if it was mine, if she lets me," I looked to my right to meet his eyes. "Do you think I'm crazy for caring so much?"

"No, I think caring so much makes you the exceptional person that you are," he told with a soft smile. "You're going to be an excellent father."

A weak chuckle left my mouth "First we have to find out if she's actually pregnant."

"When are we finding out?"

"This afternoon, the Doctor is on his way here," I looked back at the girls outside. "They seem to be getting along perfectly."

"You know my wife can make anyone like her."

"One of the many reasons why she's dangerous," I told as a soft smile appeared on my lips. "Where are Napoleon and Artemis?"

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