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Emerald St. Clair's POV

I shifted in my position inside the passenger seat of Al-Farsi's car. Since he picked me up in my penthouse to attend Granddad's family dinner, uneasiness settled in my spine.

"You okay?" the man beside me inquired softly.

I glanced at him warily. "Yes, I am fine."

"You look nervous," he commented, weaving his fingers with mine. "Your hands are icy cold. Nervous?"

"Agitated, I think," I confessed, taking several steady breaths. Never in my life had I felt so terrified to attend Daniel's family dinner, not until tonight. Maybe my anxiousness had something to do with the fact that I knew that I would be in the hot seat tonight.

"We'll be fine, habibti."

I sighed deeply and didn't bother to answer him. I looked out my window to see that we were already nearing the Hamptons, where Daniel's fortress was located. The imposing three-story mansion stood proudly in the middle of acres of land. It has a tennis court, a golf course, and an equestrian ground.

Granddad spared nothing in building this stunning mansion for my grandmother in the early years of their marriage.

My self-consciousness intensified when we finally reached the massive iron gate of the St. Clair manor. Once the car pulled into the driveway, I noticed the other cars parked, which meant that my sisters and their husbands were already there.

Great, I thought with a lack of enthusiasm. I intended to arrive earlier than them, but I guess they were excited about this family dinner, that's why they were early.

I gathered all the strength I could muster as I slid out of the car. I can get through this family dinner with flying colors, I reassured myself.

"Smile, love," he urged when he went to my side. He affectionately brushed his knuckles on my cheek while giving me a reassuring smile. "We're a happy couple, remember? Do you want them to suspect anything?"

I gave him a tight smile.

"Can you make it more genuine?"

I glared in his direction. "Shut up, Al-Farsi."

"What happened to 'babe'?"

I gave him a deadpan look. "Hey, don't get greedy. There's no need for that since we are alone. I reserve that for when we have company."

He whistled softly, placing his arm possessively around my waist. I stiffened at the gesture but then let it go after a moment because he's 'my boyfriend' after all. "Then, I plan for us to have a companion always so I can hear that endearment from you."

Despite my uneasiness, a low chuckle escaped me. I shook my head in disbelief. "You are unbelievable, do you know that? I swear that you and your smooth tongue leave me speechless sometimes."

There was wickedness in his cobalt eyes as we ascended the staircase. He leaned down to whisper something in my ear. "Do you want to know how smooth my tongue is against your skin?" His breath tickled me and I shivered slightly. "I can show you tonight if you want."

"Shut up!" I could feel the heat that spread through my cheeks. This shameless man would be the death of me. I sorely regret agreeing to this stupid plan against Granddad. "Keep your nasty thoughts to yourself before I throw you in my grandfather's fireplace and burn you alive."

Al-Farsi threw his head back and laughed heartily. "At least give me an heir before you burn me alive so that Saqr will have a future king and the Al-Farsi's bloodline will continue."

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