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Emerald St. Clair's POV

My heart pounded so loudly when I heard his accusing tone. I cleared my throat, trying to sound nonchalant. "H-How...d-did you know--"

"That you went to a party with that American bastard?" he completed for me with an amused tone in his voice.


I heard him give a short laugh from the other line. "I have eyes on your every move, habibti."

My temper flared inside me. How dare he spy on me without my permission? I took a deep breath. Maybe he was just bluffing. "You're kidding, right?"

"I'm afraid I am not."

"Well, it doesn't matter now," I answered casually. "I was about to tell you, but I could not contact you. Besides, granddad forced me to attend."

I was about to enter the gated estate of my grandfather when his next words stopped me in my tracks. "It seems to me that you enjoy his company more than you care to admit. Should I be worried?"

I felt a surge of anger that filled me inside. "What are you implying, Al-Farsi?" You are the one who seems to enjoy the company of your bride-to-be back in Saqr. Are you planning the wedding already? But I will not say that out loud.

I heard him sigh from the other end. "You looked stunning tonight."

A gasp escaped me as I looked around to the silent street. He couldn't be... I swallowed hard, looking sideways again. Is he here? I was only aware of how my heart hammered in my chest. "How did you know that?"

"I am jealous because that bastard enjoyed seeing your beauty the whole night. I want to kill him right now."

"How did you know what I looked like?" I asked again when he didn't answer the first time. "Did your goons send you pictures tonight?"

He laughed softly, but it was more of a mocking one. "I wish that was only the case, but I'm afraid that I saw it with my very own eyes."

This time my heart practically stopped beating in my chest. I bit my bottom lip, unable to formulate my reply because it felt like my brain had stopped functioning. "W-what did you say? You're here?"

From the corner of my eyes, I noticed that there was a figure in the dark corner not far from me. My instinct told me to run away inside Granddad's estate. This person could be a stalker or a serial killer, but my feet stayed rooted in place as the familiar figure came to light.

The first thing that I noticed was his familiar cobalt eyes that shone under the moonlight, and he was still holding his mobile phone next to his ear while looking at me intently.

I blinked several times, making sure that I was not just imagining him standing in front of me-- my mind didn't just conjure him because I missed him so damn much.

He raked his gaze on me from head to toe. And then, his mouth curved with a smile. "Because I'm back, habibti," he said over the phone while looking at me with such intensity. He was now only standing a few meters from me.

It was a cold late October night, and yet the chilly wind had nothing to do with the shiver I felt right at that moment. It was all because of this man in front of me.

His eyes filled with unholy light in their depths. I knew I was in deep trouble the moment I agreed to Daniel's demand.

"W-what...when d-did you arrive?" I wanted to curse myself for stammering. I slowly lowered my mobile from my ear while staring at him, still unable to believe that he was there.

He gave me one infamous sexy smirk, but the annoyance was visible in his eyes. Beneath that carefree smile, this brute king was very much pissed.

Oh, boy. This is bad.

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