Chapter 3

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I do not own Naruto

Chapter 1

Sasuke's POV

"Yes Boss Pein! You called for us?" I asked with the utmost of respect.

"Sasuke! I already told you to call down on the respect. We're all family here." Mistress Konan told me.

" Sorry about him Mistress Konan. I'll help him with that. " Itachi said.

"Well the mission is for Itachi, Sasuke, Suigetsu, and Gaara! He'll come later, but you four will capture a half blood. She's very powerful! Just don't kill her. I have some business with her. Also Gaara is the leader." Boss Pein said.

" Boss, if I may ask. What business do you have with her? " Suigetsu has to ask. He's always in someone's business.

"None of your concern!" Boss Pein said sternly .

After that we walked out of the room.

"Suigetsu, you idiot! You're always in people's business." I say mad at him .

"Well sorry! Anyways, who is this Gaara guy Itachi-san?" Suigetsu asks.

" Well if I may say! He's really powerful and he's Sasori's brother. Younger brother but he's stronger than Sasori. " Itachi explains when a redhead with a sign that says love on his head.

Her looked like he didn't care about anything. But I guess strong guys are like that now a days.

"Itachi!" The guy said who had a very deep scary voice and even his aura scared off little mice in the room .

"We're leaving NOW!" He said as we all got out stuff ready to head out. Luckily it was dark at night when we started .


Sai's POV

While I was comforting Sakura, we both are Naruto trying to hide his tears. I'm guessing he thought about Sasuke. I didn't want to mention his name so I pulled him into a hug with Sakura.

We all have felt pain before. Maybe Sakura the most but Naruto feels really bad about Sasuke. I'm not saying I don't feel bad. It's just that, I pretty much liked that Suigetsu guy more than Sasuke.

We four were unstoppable. We were best friends. But I guess Naruto and I were fed up with killing humans for food. So we left. If we ever went back, we would surely be tortured but we don't care because we're doing this for Sakura and Ino.


Sakura's Pov

Sai was holding on to us for a long time and I'm guessing he was lost in his thoughts. I wonder why Naruto was crying. Honestly, I don't know anything about them at all. But I didn't want to know more because I feel like I would end up loving them.

"Sakura, I need more blood. Get me some blood. "

"No! Sakura you will not eat human blood. We have to kill all vampires.

" both of you just shut up. " I yelled so loud that I kinda yelled it out loud. Well that was embarrassing.

"What's wrong?" Sai asked me.

" N-nothing! Let's get going! We shouldn't waste any more time. " I say as I was about to run off when Naruto stopped me.

"Wait Sakura! We can't go out in the sun remember." I sighed at the thought but thought of a solution.

" lets go through a cave or something. " I suggest when they both shake their heads.

"Sakura, just wait. We will move faster in the dark. Especially since our powers multiply in the dark and yours too." Sai suggested and he probably ordered but I listened.

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