Chapter 24

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".......just like that." Konan finishes giving Sakura her long lecture.

"Just like this?" Sakura said tilting her head.

"Yes, he'll go crAzy. I did that the first time I met Pein and he went crazy. don't tell him I said that though. He'll kill me." Konan exclaimed whispering the last part.

Sakura just laughed. "Thx for the advice. But could you? Could you tell me some stories of you and Pein?"

Konan seems taken back from the question but nonetheless.

To Sasuke

"You got this outoto." Itachi pokes Sasuke's head.

"You stopped doing that a long time ago nii-san." Sasuke complained rubbing his head.

"But you call me nii-san when I do that." Itachi joked.

Sasuke just rolled his eyes and looked away embarrassed.

"I'm going now. Wish me luck."

Sasuke didn't admit this but he was really nervous like what if she rejected him. He would literally die. He then started thinking about when he first met her. He literally wanted to rip her guts out and then that smile.

Thinking back on it, that smile was what brought Sasuke in. He loved that smile. He wanted to see her smile so many more times but with him.

Sasuke took his first step out of the room before passing his Master.

"Hurt her and I'll kill you."

Sasuke shivers at his master's voice but shrugged it off. Of course the fathers are always the biggest obstacle in getting their daughter. Sasuke then knocked on the mistress's door. There were faint footsteps coming through the door and at the moment, all Sasuke could hear was his heartbeat.

It was speeding up for some reason until the door opened and Sasuke calmed down a little. It was his mistress Konan. 

"Yes, Sasuke." Konan smiled.

"Is Sakura here?" He mumbled.

"Yeah, she's right here actually." Konan pointed to her daughter.

For some reason, Sasuke thought she was very beautiful. Like more than usual, He was amazed and lost in thought that he didn't notice Sakura calling him.

"Sasuke-kun." Sakura called.

"Uh- oh yes."

"What did you need?" Sakura asks.

"Well......" Sasuke was about to start when he heard murmurs behind him.

He looked back and saw Konan and Itachi fangirling like little girls.

"GET OUT." Sakura and Sasuke yelled at the same time making both of them blush.

They both walked out nonetheless.

"So, what is it Sasuke-kun?" Sakura asks which made him blush a little.

"So Sakura." He firmly called.

"I'm an awkward guy who's really bad at relationships. I admit that I did want to hurt you at first and I did want you dead but I want to protect you from all people who even touch you in the slightest way. If something ever happened to you, I'd be there by your side until you were better. I'll take care of you, I'll love you, hell I'll even cook for you. Now I don't know if you like me like I like you you maybe wanna go on" Sasuke asks after trying to breathe like his brother told him to. 

His brother also told him to be patient. So he stood there as nervous as he was waiting for her answer. She just stared at him for a while before about to speak her answer.

"Sasuke-kun..........." She was speechless.

Sasuke thought he was about to be rejected and he almost ran away but he stayed patient and gave out a nice long breath.

Meanwhile, Sakura was very surprised by his choice of words and how he expressed himself to her. Just like she wanted. So she smiled.

"Sure, Sasuke-kun" Sakura tilted her head and smiled.

'YES, I THINK I DID IT CHAA' Sakura yells in her mind

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'YES, I THINK I DID IT CHAA' Sakura yells in her mind. Konan told her that this gets the boys more flustered when you give them your answer and it surprisingly did with Sasuke. He blushed a crimson color he had never done before. 

Sakura giggle at his cute reaction to this

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Sakura giggle at his cute reaction to this. Sasuke then got himself together after blushing and started walking towards Sakura. Sakura wants to know what he's about to do. Sasuke wanted to express how happy he was. So he hugged her.

Sakura was a little surprised but hugged back

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Sakura was a little surprised but hugged back. "I was so nervous," Sasuke admits. "No need to be Sasuke-kun. I like you too."

'But Sakura, I don't like you...I love you.' is what he wanted to say, but it never came out. Why couldn't he say it?

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