Chapter 4

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I do not own Naruto

Chapter 4

Sakura's POV

I was being chased. In the dark. By the four men who captured me in the first place. They were quick but I was quicker. Even if I was quick, I was scared. And since I was scared, I started crying.

I was running so fast but they were so quick. Especially that red head who had a lot of bloodlust around him. It killed everything that was near him.

I was scared. I was running with three unconscious people in my arm so I wasn't at fast as normal. They were catching up. I didn't know what to do. There was something. But I had to choose.

It was one of the other. I could teleport myself to the Leaf Village leaving these three but then what was the point of endangering myself anyways.

I could teleport these three and then I could run faster. I thought this method was good. So I did what I shouldn't have and teleported them.

I was scared because my speed was decreasing. I'm exhausted. I just decided to let myself get caught. I just didn't want to run for the rest of my life anymore.

So I stopped. Knowing I was going to get caught, I stopped. But I'm glad that the rest of them are safe. I hope they don't come for me.

Next thing I know is I'm seeing blackness.


SAsuke's Pov

"Tch!" I say as she teleported them back to the Leaf Village.

GAara caught up to that thing and knocked it out. We started walking back to our base. But I was mad. Naruto escaped. No. That traitor escaped. Making friends with a half blood.

Itachi noticed I was mad and tried to soothe me by party my my back but I pushed his hand off.

"Ne! Sasuke! Why don't you carry the girl? She's heavy." Suigetsu complains.

I didn't feel like fighting so I just took it. I looked at her face. She looked scared. But I was scared when these things killed my parents. I looked at her with blood lust all around me.

But even though, she looked scared. She had a slight smile on her face. As if she was happy that she got Naruto and the other two back.

Seeing this, I loosened up. A small smile crept up to my face but it immediately went back to a frown.

We finally made it to our base.


Leaf Village's Pov

"Oh! This is those vampires and Ino. Why are they here?" A random man said.

" It doesn't matter. We finally have the chance to kill these vampires.

As the two men were about to stab Naruto and Sai. Two boys stopped them.

"Hey! We're vampires too! Try killing us!" The two vampires said.

It was Neji and Kiba.

Note: The only vampires in the whole world who didn't hate humans was Naruto, Sai, Neji, LEE, and Kiba.

"Its alright! We won't kill you! We just came to get them!" Kiba says as a smirk crawls onto his face.

The two men ran.

"I wonder when will these humans understand that we're not against them." Neji said sighing as they pick Naruto and Sai up and grab Ino.


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