Chapter 26

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Sakura closed her eyes as Sasuke covered her eyes with his hands. 'She feels......warm' Sasuke thought.

Sasuke's POV

I lead Sakura to my secret place. I thought that she would feel uncomfortable in Konoha for a date and I probably would too since I'm a vampire and I'd probably have to hide my scent. Anyway, my answer to that was bringing her to my special spot in Vamp Cray Village.

"Can I open my eyes now?" Sakura's warm voice hit a little part of my hand.

It felt weird. But good weird. It made me want to kiss those luscious, plump lips. Ugh, I hate it when my mind gets like this. I wonder how I'll be when it's mating season. Should I mention that to her? 


"Not yet Sakura," I whisper in her hair making her shiver. I chuckle a little and walk her in a little more. 

"Open them now."

"Oh my

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"Oh's beautiful."

"Yeah, I wanted to pick something that described you."

Honestly, as cheesy as it was, I think she enjoyed the compliment because she blushed. Also, Naruto gave me this line so don't go thinking I'm a cheesy boy because I'm not.

Ahem back to the story.

I watched as Sakura ran through the garden playing with the cat. I smiled.

"Sakura, over here. I have something to show you." I called out to her.

She smiled and ran over to me. I took her hand and brought her into another part. But this is where I decorated.

(Imagine this without the girls)

"Wow, Sasuke-kun, you outdid yourself," Sakura says walking towards the picnic and sits down

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"Wow, Sasuke-kun, you outdid yourself," Sakura says walking towards the picnic and sits down.

She looks like a princess. Hime. That's a nice nickname for her. Hime. Sakura-hime. Perfect.

"Hey Sakura, is it okay if I call you hime?" I ask sitting down beside her.

She blushed a little and nodded. I smirked at her.

Vampire Bae (Sasusaku)Where stories live. Discover now