Chapter Two

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Nicole, followed by Natalie, walked out from around the corner.

"How many of you are there?" Cal stormed. "This can't be fucking happening." He grabbed at the hairs on his head with both of his huge hands.

"This isn't exactly how I expected it to be when I met you guys," Nicole spoke up as she walked over to us. Her social side always speaking before she thought.

"I didn't think we'd be meeting you at all," Michael grumbled. We all raised our eyebrows at his comment and Michael smirked slightly. Rude ass motherfucker. Are you on your period or something?

"Well," I spoke up. "All I know is that Ashton is with our friend Kaitlyn right now," I looked up at Cal. What made it awkward was the height difference because it made me look powerless and weak. "And we're not leaving until we have her back with us."

Calum leaned against the brick wall with one arm and lifted his head slightly towards me. "We're going to need you guys to come inside."

All of us widened our eyes.

"Hood, I thought we were leaving. The guys are getting ready to go," Michael spoke.

"Yeah? Well things change." He opened the door and didn't hold it open for the other guys walking close behind him.

We stood there in awe and Luke stood at the door, holding it. "Are you guys coming or what?"

I snapped out of my shock and was the first one to walk through the door. "Thanks," I mumbled. My arm grazed Luke's 'you complete me' shirt as I stepped in and chills were sent down my spine. I hate how they have this effect on me so easily.

Inside, was every person associated with the 5SOS team. Bodyguards were assessed around the room randomly and the actual boys were seated in a circular couch in the middle.

"What are they?" A bodyguard spat, flicking his finger towards us.

I gave him a disgusted look. Were they all this rude?

Another member, a small skinny lady, came up to us and smiled. "I'm sorry for them. It's been a rough night." Her eyes glanced to all of ours. She looked at her feet then turned back to the boys. "Please come take a seat."

As we walked over to the couches, I looked over at Calum, who was shooting me a stare. I'm not sure what kind of stare, but it was intent. To drag my attention away, I watched as Natalie fought the urge to sit next to Luke. Nicole tried to get the seat closest to Michael as possible, but Michael stood up and scoffed, taking a seat on one side of Calum. What a dick.

Nicole looked at the ground. He just hurt her so badly. I could see her fighting tears.

I sat down in a spot next to Natalie. She was trying not to glance up at Luke every ten seconds, but it was just too hard for her. All of these awkward love triangles were taking place and I just wanted to get Kaitlyn and go home.

Calum stood in the entrance of the circular seating area. "Well, it seems that we'll be sharing the same hotel."

Kaitlyn must've told Ashton and he delivered the message. "Are they back at the hotel?" I asked.


"Alright," I looked up and walked towards Calum. "Let's go then."

He pressed his hands to my shoulders. "Sit."

I licked my lips and sat down in my spot. Luke walked over to Calum's place and Calum stood behind the couch; directly behind me.

"You guys heard too much," Luke recalled his words from outside.

"We heard whatever you wanted us to hear," Natalie put in.

"Oh, no, no," Luke laughed dryly. "You heard what you heard." Everyone kept their eyes on him as he spoke and I could see gears struggling to move in his head. "I'm not sure what we're going to do with you three yet, but as of right now, you're all moving along to the hotel with us and keeping your mouth shuts. Am I clear?"

We all nodded and met eyes nervously.

"Did you drive here?" Calum asked me, his voice protruding from behind my head. I turned my shoulders so the upper half of my body faced him and I nodded. "Where'd you park?"

"Front parking lot, not too far from the main entrance."

"Let's go," Calum said, stepping away from the couch.

"Wait," I stood up. "Are you coming with me?"

He nodded. "We're escorting you all back."

Luke walked towards the back door. "You two are coming with me, come on." Nicole and Natalie looked up at me slightly frightened, but they kept up with the pace as they strode out of the door.

Calum walked around to the door, leading into a hallway, that lead to the big arena part of the building. We had to walk to the main entrance together.

Calum held the door open for me and put his hand on my upper back as I walked past him. The touch made my skin immediately warm and I hoped he couldn't feel it as bad as I had. His touch was way more affective than the one I shared with Luke earlier.

His hand left my back and we walked down the empty white hallways.

"I'm confused," I spoke up.

He looked straight forward. "Good."

"No," I looked up at him. "I want to know what's going on."

"Well that sucks."

I crinkled my eyebrows at him and he twitched his own. I stopped walking, we were almost to the main entrance. He stopped and looked back at me. "Come on."

I folded my arms. "Not until you fill me in."

He scoffed. "I'm not telling you anything."

"And why not?" I protested.

"Not my job," he stated flatly.

"Then what is your job?"

He clenched his jaw and set his dark eyes on mine. "Your tone is really pissing me off."

I let out a brief laugh. "The feeling is mutual." He wasn't used to being stood up like this. His actions were proving it.

He walked slowly over to me. "I don't know who you think you are," he started, stepping closer and closer to me. "But you need to learn your place," He towered over me and leaned his head down to mine so that his hot breath was bouncing off my nose. "Before someone gets hurt."

My breath hitched in my throat and I nodded quickly. Calum turned around and walked.

All I did was follow him quietly.

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