Chapter Five

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After arguing with Calum for an hour about the fact that our parents would never let us be apart of this organisation, we finally have in and signed the papers. He's contact our parents, and, in his words, "see what he could do." It kind of made me nervous but there's no way he's tell them about the gang part.

Since we were already in Orlando tonight, we'd have to start without parental consent, if that was even allowed. We sat up in our rooms after a bonus hour of signing the many, many papers and tried to collect our thoughts.

"So," Nicole stared at the ceiling, her back on one of the hotel beds. "We have to perform tonight?"

"I guess so," Natalie kicked off her shoes forcefully. "I don't like the idea of this at all. Like, it's definitely invading our personal lives and privacy. We're going to have to re-think everything before we do it!"

"And our parents would never say yes," Kaitlyn added.

"Well hey," I sat on the edge of one of the two beds. "If our parents say no, it's a no-go. But, remember the time we tried to start a band and completely failed? I bet we still know how to play our instruments."

They nodded in agreement and shrugged it off and the room was engulfed into a deep silence.

The silence was broken by Natalie rummaging through her suitcase. "I have absolutely nothing to wear to another concert."

"Me either," Nicole added.

I realised that I, too didn't have anything else to wear.

"Maybe they'll just give us one of their logo shirts to wear," I stated, trying to get everyone to relax.

My vision turned to Kaitlyn, who was staring intently at the wall past my head. "Hey," I walked up to her and waved my hand in front of her face. "You alright?"

"Yeah," she shook her head to focus back to reality. "I just- I think I need some water." She stood up and walked out of the hotel room just like that.

"What's up with her?" Natalie asked. "She hasn't spoken at all since last night."

"I heard her crying last night when she turned to face the wall," Nicole chimed in. "I tried to ask her what was wrong, but she refused to talk."

"Something's definitely wrong," I trailed off and fast-walked to the door. I peeked out into the hallway, trying to keep myself from being seen. Kaitlyn was standing near an elevator just looking at the wall and running her fingers through her hair. There's not even a drinking fountain out here, what is she talking about?

I was about to call her name when Ashton walked out of the room down the hall. Her face became pale and she almost saw me when she quickly turned for our room to escape his presence.

He grabbed her arm and held her back. I could barely make out what they were saying.


"Please, just leave me alone!" Kaitlyn chocked desperately.

"You didn't tell anyone, did you?" He asked, looking her in the eyes. His hand gripped her arm tightly.

"No, now let me go," she struggled out of his grip and he caught her other arm. The previous arm he was holding had a huge, hand-shaped mark on it. Harsh.

He pushed her firmly against a wall, but not roughly. Damn, locate your chill. "I swear, if someone finds out, I'm dead."

He leaned on closer to her, still holding his grip. "And then they'll come for you."

I could see the shine of her tears tumble down her cheeks. I closed the door before I could watch anymore.

I walked back to the beds and held my hand on my forehead.

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