Chapter 5

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There was colored lights flashing around the huge area people were at. Everyone was at a concert and Sadie Killer and The Suspects were starting to play another one of their famous songs.

The Crystal Gems, Steven, Connie, And Spinel were there and they were all dancing as well as the bunch of people that were there for the concert.

Spinel sees Steven and Connie dancing as well as the large crowd around her. She sees them having fun and she...didn't like it somehow.

She always knew that Steven and this Connie were the best of friends. But...seeing them together like this...gave her a weird and uncomfortable feeling. She...didn't like seeing them like this. Spinel didn't like it. She hated it.

'Of course you hate it.' Said a female voice. Spinel flinched and looked surprised her dancing stopping She looked around frantically and said, "Who said that?"

The voice giggled a little. "Heh, well it seems you don't recognize my voice. Or you rather don't recognize"

Spinel suddenly sees a figure in front of her. It was...herself but...darker. Her spiky and messy hair, clothes, everything on her was darker and the color faded. Her eyes were small spirals and she had a crazy evil grin on her face. And black lines on her face were much bolder not to stuff was spilling from her cheeks.

The Dark Spinel chuckled. "your voice." Spinel's face full of fear and surprise. Then she scowled at the so-called being of herself.

"Y-Your not me! I don't look like that! And I told you before to get out of my head!" She protested. The Dark Spinel chuckled.

"You used to though. And there's no way that I could just leave." The dark figure came up to her and pointed at her. "And I know why you hate seeing Steven and 'that Connie' being together dancing over there. Your. Jealous."

Spinel blinked at that reason looking surprised again. She looked at her with a scowl. "Yeah right! And I'm not sure if I AM jealous! I don't even know what it means-!"

"Then look at what their doing over there."

Dark Spinel said with a wide grin still. Spinel looked over to Steven and Connie. Then she looked shocked.

Steven and Connie were still dancing and Connie hugged Steven the boy laughing and hugging back-.

Spinel instantly turned away from them and her hands were kinda in her drooped pigtails heavily breathing a slight pain in my chest. "No...w-what's wrong with me...?!?"

Dark Spinel chuckled evilly. She was now circling around Spinel with her hands behind her back. Spinel noticed the way her boots were old looking and...h-had vines and roots on them...?

"Its simple. Because you hate seeing them together. that I think about it and since I DID say it earlier today," Dark Spinel grinned even more.

"he's just ignoring you. I mean after all you've done to him he just full on ignored you for those few years. Like he's doing to you." She went up to Spinel and gripped on her shoulder. "He still hates you."

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