Chapter 10

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Back at Beach City, the Crystal Gems were in the living room. As well as Connie and Greg. They were silent now. They just didn't know what to say ever since Steven left. Until one of them spoke up.

"So, what now?" Connie asked them all, looking up at them. Garnet perked up at that. Then she hummed a little. Amethyst only looked up at Connie. Pearl Looked away from everyone looking a little down. And Greg just looked in thought.

Connie let out a small breath through her nose standing up. "Come on you guys! We can't be down with Steven being gone! Like Garnet said," she pointed out, a hand gestured towards the fusion. "we will be a part of all of Steven's paths! We'll support him, be there for him, and listen whenever he needs us! We shouldn't be sad we should be happy!"

"But that's the problem Connie." Garnet stated, standing up from the couch. Through her vision, her eyes looked a little unsure, and she looked down at Connie. "Something just...feels off. About Steven leaving. I know Steven made the right choice of leaving just so he can spread his wings and see the world while discovering himself. But...something feels wrong about all of this."

"I'm with Garnet on this!" Amethyst exclaimed a little, standing up. "It's probably just me, but something...just feels off about Steven being gone. I'm just glad I'm not the only one who feels that way." Garnet, Amethyst, and Connie then see Pearl standing up kinda calmly.

"I...feel the same way. I just have a feeling deep down that this...was a bad idea of Steven leaving. At first I'm happy and sad that Steven is leaving just so he can grow and explore, but..." Pearl paused and she glanced down a little, kinda hugging herself. "now I feel confused and...I don't know. All I know is that I feel the same way about all of this."

Greg then was the last one to stand up. He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "I feel the same way about Steven leaving." Everyone then looked at Connie. "Connie, you must feel the same way right?" Garnet asked her.

Connie perked up. Then she blinked and glanced away from everyone. "...A little bit. I have to be honest about that." But she looked back at everyone. "But I also know that we shouldn't feel this way! We have to be happy and support his choice of leaving! Guys" She then looked reassuring at all of them.

"we gotta support Steven. We can't just make choices for him again! Steven needs to grow and be on his own! We can't...just be there every step he takes and...again make choices for him. Especially, not choices that'll hurt him." Connie hugged herself a little and looked away. "Not like I did...back at that concert."

Everyone perked up and looked a bit shocked that Connie would mention that night. Amethyst looked unsure and complex at Connie. "Connie, you weren't the only one who hurt them at that night! Especially what we did to help you with Spinel, we all knew deep down that that plan wasn't going to work, and that Steven would knew our plan!"

Connie butted in however. "But I was the one that mainly hurt him! I forced to fuse with him in front of Spinel, I mainly tried to get him away and protect him from Spinel attacking, and like you said, the plan worked by poofing Spinel, and bubbling her forever! But that plan didn't work with Steven finding the bubble and he brought her out!" she exclaimed with tears in her eyes.

Everyone looked surprised, worried, and upset that what Connie just said. They all looked incredibly guilty and looked down at the wooden floor in shame. And Greg only looked away from Connie looking a little upset. Connie wiped her tears away and continued.

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