Chapter 11

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Fluorite suddenly barged into the front of the house, making a giant hole to the wooden wall, kinda crushing the stairs, and her and the others went inside the temple.

Connie and the off colors quickly brought Lars inside and laid him out on the couch with his cape covering his lower half. Connie then took a look at Lars face. He looked pale and he looked like he passed out. She looked at the gems.

"What's wrong with him?" she asked quickly. Rhodonite gulped.

"He p-passed due losing some red l-liquid of his feet is badly damaged. B-But we managed to stop the liquid from s-splurting out!" she quickly said the last part, covering her face in fear at what she had to explain.

Connie looked shocked and she quickly stood up, getting out her phone. She then held the phone in her ear and it rang.

"Come on pick up Pearl pick up!". There was still a few more rings.

"Pearl come oooon...!" Then there was a buzz.

Meanwhile with the Crystal Gems...

"Hello? This is Pearl speaking." A minute ago, Pearl heard a buzzing while everyone was walking back to the warp pad. And before they got on, Pearl answered her phone. She smiled at who called her.

"Oh! Connie, I didn't expect you to call me! What did you need? ...Mhm" Pearls smile slowly faded away.

"I- oh! Um I didn't expect- W-Wait Connie calm down-! Wait Lars lost one of his WHAT by WHO?!?"

The rest of the Crystal Gems flinched by Pearl exclaiming the last part and they quickly turned around to see the pearl freaking out. They all went to her and questioned what was going on.

Pearl looked at everyone and said on the phone, "Connie I'm putting you on speaker so everyone can hear!". Pearl then put Connie on speaker and everyone can hear Connie say, "I need everyone back at the temple now! And three of you, go get some of Rose's fountain healing quick!"

Everyone looked surprised by this and Bismuth asked Pearl while they went to the warp pad.

"Wait so, what exactly happened to Lars?" Everyone looked at Pearl with worry and anticipation on what happened to the pink teen.

Pearl gulped and she looked worried and a bit scared, rubbing a wrist out of discomfort. Then she looked at all of the gems.

"Lars he...he lost one of his feet by Emerald."

Meanwhile in Ocean Town...

Spinel stirred awake and her eyes slowly opened, her head rising a little from the pillow. But she noticed that a blanket covered her body.

She looked up to see Steven eating something while he sat criss cross on the other bed in the room, his eyes kinda glued to a large piece of paper on the bed which was a map. Then Steven glanced over to Spinel and he smiled a little at her, swallowing the food he had in his mouth which was some pieces of fruit. Even a cup of coffee on his night stand that was almost gone.

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