Birth of the Knight

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Third Person P.O.V

The whole city was on fire. Gotham is now ruled by criminals and thugs alike and also a militia that has been running around and putting bases in each district. Gotham has fallen to the villains such as Two-Face, Penguin, Riddler, and more. Cops are trying their best to get a hold of Bleake Island but their progression is slower as the militia is powerful and have drones in the air and ground covering Gotham as the city went to hell.

Gordon's P.O.V

"Well you can kiss my ass!" I shouted at the phone as I slammed it down.

"No help from the outside?" Aaron asked me

"Nope, they said it's too risky to-"

"COMMISSIONER!!!" A cop shouted my name as he ran to me.

"What is it?" I asked him

"You better take a look at this." he said and I followed him to the rooftop as I saw all the drones being shot down by something. Then, the speakers came to life and scarecrow was talking.

"You may be back but you are no match for my army and a lot of criminals walking around the streets of Gotham." he said and turned off the mic.

"Who's back?" The kid asked me

"Me." someone with a dark and evil voice said and we pointed our guns at the figure and it was none other than the new guard that I met back at Arkham, alive.

"My god, Batman's alive?!" the kid asked

"I knew you'd come around." I said as I shook his hand.

"You better get inside Jim, something tells me that they're coming here with 1000 men." he said as he walked to the edge.

"Wait, don't tell me you're gonna go up against those guys alone?" the kid asked in a worried voice and he just looked at the kid and smirk.

"Why wouldn't I? I'm exercising after all." He said and leaped off the roof.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I landed safely on the roads as 10 trucks arrived at the GCPD and doors flew open as thugs converged and surrounded me.

"Well looky here, a guy playing dress up, where's the cape?" He asked

"I bet it's in his ass!" a thug joked and all of them laughed at the joke.

"You're just another freak in a costume to beat up." a thug said as he came running towards me and tried to punch me but I countered it.

I punched him three times and broke his arms as he tried to scream but I cut him off by round house kicking him to the ground and I walked to him, grabbed him and savagely beat him until I stopped as he groaned in agony. 

"Who the hell are you?!" one of the thugs asked me 

"I'm Vengeance." I answered him with a dark voice

All of them then charge at me as one by one, I kick and punch each of them. one tried to tackle me but I threw my batarang and he was knocked out cold. There was a thug behind me, trying to grab me but I dodge and kicked his legs, losing his balance and I stunned him and preformed a brutal beatdown on him as I countered some of thugs that I try to intercept my blows.

After his rib cage was broken, I proceeded to use my cape and sent him flying in the air and I kicked him, sending the thug flying across the street. 5 thugs tried to punch me at the same time but I dodge them and grabbed one of the thugs by the legs and spun him around as his head hits each and every thug that came in contact with his head and did a german suplex on him.

I then jumped on the air and threw my batarangs to the 4 thugs that we're in pain and knocked them out cold. I then proceeded to kick some more asses for hours and hours until there were no more thugs to beat. I was out of breath from all of the fighting and then I noticed the big screen that was hanging around some buildings around Gotham was streaming me as if I was being observed around gotham.

The speakers then came to life and scarecrow began to speak.

"You've... changed. You we're never this savagely. Such brutality and no mercy but you didn't finish the job, no... you let them live. So now Gotham knows that you are the batman but not the same as we used to know. No matter, you will not stop our mission." The speakers then turned off.

I caught my breath and took a seat on the bench nearby as Jim soon joined me.

"Well, you look swell." he said to me.

"Never better, Jim." I said as he offered me water which I gladly accept.

"So now that you've cleared Bleake Island, what're you gonna do now?" he asked me.

"I'm gonna take care of Harvey." I said as I got up and grappled to a nearby rooftop and glide away.

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