A Case with Batman

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Well at least the cat is out of the bag now and everyone knows about Diana and Bruce, He still holds a grudge on me for that. I was in the batcave, looking through Bruce's history browser and all of it is filled with...

"What are you doing?" Bruce's voice booming through the batcave and I quickly closed it all.

"Nothing!" I shouted out of fear.

"Good because I need you on a mission for me." he said

"Why, can't you ju-" I stopped because he used the bat-glare and I knew this was for snooping into his business.

"Ok, ok, I'll do it!" I said

"It's Jason, he hasn't been here for days and I'm worried about him." he said

"OK I GOT IT!!" I shouted as I ran to my bike and drove the fuck out of there.

Jesus christ he can be so scary as hell even I'm scared right now that I almost pissed my pants! I stopped at the last tracked location of Jason. I looked around and saw the tracker just laying down.

"Huh, why did you throw your tracker away, Jason?" I asked myself and then something hit my head and I saw a bow. I examined it to be Artemis's Bow

"How did this get..." I trailed off as I looked up to see two heads peeking out and then going back.

"HEY!!" I shouted as I threw my chains up and got up to the roof but they threw a smoke bomb at me to get out of there.

I sucked all of the smoke and saw them running away.

"What the hell?!" I recognized that voice.

"Did you not read the reports, Jas? I can suck out smoke!!" I shouted at him as I chased them and I proved to be faster.

I caught up to the girl he was with and I took a good look at her.

"Artemis, I'm The rider, nice to meet you." I said

"Nice to meet you-" she was cut off by something grabbing her legs and saw a wire going straight up to the gargoyle statue but I caught the wire and left artemis tied up.

"You're gonna leave me tied up like this?" she asked me.

"Yup, figured you and your boyfriend should have a break from having se-"

"Let her go!" he shouted as he pointed his guns at me.

"Oh hi Jas!" I said in an enthusiastic voice

"Let. Her. Go. Now." he demanded.

"Are you sure? because-"

"YES!" they both shouted at me in unison.

"You're words." I said as I let go of her and the wire started to drag Artemis as she hung to the gargoyle statue with just her legs tied up and he just glared at me.

"Hey, you said let her go, you didn't say anything about releasing her."

"What do you want, (Y/n)?"

"Your dad's worried so I came here to look for you and also, I knew you two we're a thing."

"Now look who's playing detective." Jason sarcastically said to me

"I've seen it since I was back in Gotham, You're secret rendezvous sucks and also do you really had to have sex up here, like c'mon there are a lot of rendezvous to be at and you chose here? Also people could've seen your girlfriend's as-" I stopped as he just glares at me.

"It's true I mean, Harley even knew you two we're a thing and would always rendezvous here too." I told them and they just looked at me

"How did a dumbass such as Harley found out about us?" he asked me

"First of all, that's my girlfriend you're talking about and shut your trap and second she saw some undies and shirt falling and laying on the pavement two weeks earlier." I said.

"Shit!" they both cursed and Jason looked at me

"Just please don't tell Bruce about us, we're not ready to become official yet." he begged.

I had the urge to just lie to him and tell everyone about them like what I did to Bruce but then I felt guilty and saw his eyes and soul, he really was desperate to keep this a secret. I sighed as I closed my mouth and made a gesture that I zipped my mouth and threw the zipper away.

"Thank you." he said and I just walked away.

"Umm aren't you gonna help?" He asked and I just looked at him.

"I got my problems and you got yours and that's your girlfriend, so fix your own damn shit, why don't ya'." I said and smiled as I walked off

"But you're the one that made her hang on to a gargoyle!" Jason shouted but I didn't pay attention as I got down to whistle my bike to my location and rode off.

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