The endgame is near

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Narration P.O.V

It was like hell on earth but not literally since these creatures are from space, after you warned the JL and the rest of the supers that Darkseid's coming, all of them went to Metropolis and every citizen in Metropolis had to evacuate the area because it was going to get bloody. You hold on to Harley's hand as Apokolips arrived and you all waited for what's to come and suddenly, a bunch of creatures came flying down to Metropolis. You're all ready for what's to come and all of you won't back down as Superman and Wonderwoman flew to Apokolips. It's the endgame now and you and the rest are ready.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

It was like a war in Metropolis. I couldn't believe this Darkseid guy would do anything to achieve godhood and dominance over the entire universe by just sending his grunts who're vicious and ruthless at the same time but they're dumb. We couldn't take them down because if we did, they would get back up and we even tried to knock them out but they're still coming back up so we had no choice but to kill them all but I had no problem with that. Suddenly, there was this guy with futuristic armor and a DB shotgun on his hands with a retractable blade on his arms as I looked at Harley.

"This your guy?! Where the hell did you get him from?!" I asked

"Well it's a long stawhy but I'll tell ya latuh baby." she said and starts shooting.

I was happy that she's enjoying herself but that guy looks eerily familiar to me and hell looks like he brought some... demonic friends and looks like the one with white hair is his girlfriend. I shrugged it off and continue to kill the creatures. I saw Superman and Wonderwoman falling out of the sky.

"Shit!" I cursed at myself and used my thrusters to fly towards them and catch them.

After I caught both of them, I landed safely on the ground and slowly put them on the ground. 

"Darkseid did put a number on you two." I joked.


"I had to." I said

"So you know who he's after?"

"He said that there's a prophecy about a mortal killing him and he is half-bat."

"Ok, I know where this is going."

"But you can't! You don't know how strong he is!"

"Well, you got a better idea of beating him to a pulp?!" I asked and nobody answered 

"Good, now get healed up and join the fight." I said and before I ran away Wonder Woman stopped me.

"Please be safe for Harley and for me." she said and hugged me as I accepted the hug.

"I will." I said and ran to the others to help them.

I got a plan. First, we're gonna kill all of the creatures and hope to god that the army is gone, Second, I'm gonna beat Darkseid whether he likes it or not. I passed through every battlefield and fought any creatures to help others until I've reached the Teen Titans as many of the creatures tried to attack each other but suddenly, the villains started to fight with us as well!

"If there's no goddamn earth then I'd have no bounties to collect!" Deathstroke remarked and sliced 10 creatures in half.

I was happy that the villains and Heroes are fighting for one goal but I hope they'd back off after this cause I will not be in the mood for fighting them after beating up Darkseid. I then ran towards the other group, Young Justice to help them but it looks like they've got it. So I just shrugged to myself and started killing every creature I can see and while I did that, that same guy with his demon girlfriend was ripping those creatures in half and I was shocked by how brutal it was but I mean sure my methods are brutal but I've never seen such brutality in my life except for Deathstroke and Deadshot of course. Then there was Cheetah fighting alongside Wonderwoman, guess they've made up and fight alongside each other now. Then I saw my sister and Duela trying to replicate what that space guy is doing but they're doing terribly that I almost laughed out loud but I kept my cool and keep killing every one of those things. It was then that I notice the creatures were getting shorter of numbers as we kill them all and it was working for now but I don't know how long before Darkseid creates a new one and unleashed hell on earth but I just hope that I win this fight.

After the creatures were dealt with, I turned on the hellbat armor but before I did that I went over to Harley and gave her something.

"I love you." I said and fly towards Apokolips.

I'm coming for you, Darkseid.

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