Darkseid's fear

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Narration P.O.V

It's time... It's time that he ends this fight once and for all and all that (Y/n) has to do is just beat him and send him home. This will be the fight of his life and just hope to god that his wife will be ok if he'd passed. This is for them and hell this might be his end but he doesn't care even if it cost his life and he told that to Harley before he left.


(Y/n) gave the small box to Harley and Harley was confused.


"I know that you're going to stop me from doing something stupid and I want you to know that this is one of them. I know that you're going to beg me to not go and cry but I can't and I have to beat Darkseid but take this box and open it because inside is your treasure and I hope that you love it as you loved me. I love you Harlz." he said and kissed her passionately for the final time.

"I love you." he said before flying towards Apokolips.


As he arrived at Apokolips, he slowly walked to the throne room where Darkseid is waiting for him. He passed through many creatures who want to eat him and tear him apart for killing their brethren but they did not attack because they are afraid of their master's wrath. After arriving, Darkseid got up and started to talk.

"You know, I thought you would cower away behind your friends like a little rat but look at you being brave for the end to come, and don't count on hope for it will not save you, mortal."

"Why do this?"

"It is because the universe needs reshaping. These gods that other planets in the universe are nothing like me for I am the most powerful being and nobody can stop me for who I truly meant to be for it is unwise to kill or defeat a god like me. All of you shall bow before me for I can make your imperfections perfect." 

"And why would 'we' trust you?" 

"Because I can do many things that no mortal can do and the world can be perfect and no world has ever gotten past my soldiers but your kind because of those pathetic Kryptonians and the other superheroes."

"But that doesn't give you the right to make us perfect cause we're not."

"And that's why I will write the wrongs that you've done."

"No, you don't tell us what to fucking do because you're not. You're just a big ass alien with laser eyes that follows your command but you can't control us because one day or another we will revolt because that's how it all started, A dictating son of a bitch that thinks highly of himself and only himself and thinks that superpowers are the only thing that they can live with."

It was silent until Darkseid breaks it.

"Shall we then?" he offered 

"Yes, we shall." (Y/n) said and turned on his hellbat armor.


(Y/n) charged at Darkseid but Darkseid just stood there thinking that this mortal is dumb, and shot his lasers. (Y/n) then uses his thrusters to navigate around the throne room and when he was flying to Darkseid, Darkseid panicked but it was too late as (Y/n) dodge to the left and the laser hits Darkseid and this gave (Y/n) a chance and he shot the radium bullet at Darkseid's stomach and went for his eyes and managed to pull them out.

"ARRRRRGHHHHHHHH!!!" Darkseid shouted as his eyes are now gone.

"No, this cannot be happening!!"

"Oh hell yeah it is!" (Y/n) was going for an uppercut but Darkseid used ears and knows that he's in front of him so he used hands and punch (Y/n) across the room.

"WARNING, ARMOR LEVEL 38%" the armor notified (Y/n)

"So you're panicking?"

"Shut up!" Darkseid shouted as he tried to grab (Y/n) but he dodges them and kept punching Darkseid with all his might.

Darkseid then tried to use his senses again and waited for (Y/n) to do something and when he did, he punched (Y/n) which sent him flying across the room again, and now his hellbat armor is broken.

'He's using his senses, I have to be quiet to take him by surprised.' he thought as he silently walked to Darkseid.

"I know you're there mortal, COME OUT!!" he was getting impatient and wanted to win this fight.

(Y/n) refused to respond to his threats and just kept slowly and quietly walk to Darkseid. As he got closer, Darkseid knew and tried to punch him but (Y/n) dodges it and kicks him in the nut and sukcer punches Darkseid knocking him out cold.


"WARNING, SELF DESTRUCT IMMINENT IN T-MINUS 1 MINUTE." the ship said, and (Y/n) cursed to himself as he ran away.

The ship was under heavy fire now because a bitch name Amanda Waller thought that it'd be a great idea to blow it up and as (Y/n) ran past every creature as they panicked around he ran to the edge as the ship counts down 

"10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1"

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