Chapter 3

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A/N: Enjoy peoples! Oh enjoy the awesome song too! >>>> Love you guys!~us(:

Cassie's POV

seriously? - I replied.

dead serious. u want it or not?

I sighed before I answered, sure i guess.

k meet me at my house.

I got up from my caccoon of blankets and pulled on my black and white converse and grabbed my keys and jacket and walked out my house. I began the long walk to Nathan's house. When I arrived, I knocked on the door and waited for him to answer. Once he did, he was smiley and looked like he had no troubles, I wanted to have zero troubles too.

"Come on in Cass." He giggled and pulled me in by my arm.

"Damn child." I glared.

He through an arm over my shoulders and walked me over to the couch, a small bag that as big as my hand that was filled with a white powder sat on the coffee table.

"You're giving me that for free?"

"Yep. Consider it a present, or a favor."

"Thanks I guess." I said and sat down on the couch. He spilt a little bit of the white powder onto a CD, Falling In Reverse, how fucking ironic. I'm gunna snort cocaine off of a CD of a band with a vocalist that has a drug past and now tells kids to avoid them. He spilled the pile into 4 piles, then rolled up a dollar bill, resting the tip of it on the bottom of his nostril, then he snorted up a line, then did the same with the other nostril. He sneezed slightly and handed the CD and dollar bill to me. I sighed slightly scared and did the same as him. Pain ran through my sinuses. Little pinpricks that sent my eyes slightly watering. I blinked my eyes and moved the dollar bill to my other nostril and inhaled sharply.

Nathan nodded aprrovingly and took the dollar bill and Cd away from me, then pulled my les so they rested on his lap and I laid back, watching the cieling fan go around and around. After a little bit, I felt my mood shoot up, I giggled at a piece of fuzz that drifted through the air. I felt like my head wasn't connected to my body anymore, the emotional pain that usually pushed against me was gone. I felt free, my past disappeared so quickly. I stood up and drifted and wobbled on my feet as I walked to the kitchen. i opened Nathan's liquor cabinet and grabbed a bottle of Jack. I danced back into the living room and smiled widely at Nate.

"Wanna have a party?"

Our party was shortlived though, we ran out of Jack and the CD that was blaring came to an end.

"I should get home." I giggled and danced over to where Nathan was with the bag of cocaine.

"Yep! Here ya go! Don't get caught with this shit though!" He hugged me tightly and put the bag of the white powder in my jacket pocket of me and kicked me out the door. The walk home was funny, I tried catching a moth...but it ran away.

Things blurred together, I almost got ran over as I was crossing the street to my house.

My parents car was still gone, and I easily walked in and into my room. I showered and took a few more lines from the bag of coke, just because I wanted to make sure I wasn't going to be haunted by my past for the rest of the night.

Avery's POV:

I was sitting on my bed anxiously waiting for a reply from BVB to come into my empty inbox. I sat for about 15 minutes and I got extremely bored. I pulled out my phone my underneath me and started to play Angry Birds. I kept getting stuck on levels and cursed at my phone,

"Well fuck you too, you evil little bird!" I growled at my phone. I got frustrated that somehow my phone magically flew across my room hitting my dark blue walls landing on the plush, white carpet. I ran over to my phone praying I didn't break it.

"Oh thank god!" I mumbled in relief as I looked at the scratch less phone.

I picked it up an set it on my bed. I waited another 5 minutes until I came to te conclusion that they are never going to reply. I slipped on my black converse and grabbed my oversized shoulder bag. I decided to go over to Cassie's. I crept down my spiral, big stairs entering my dining room. I walked though the kitchen out the back door that went straight to our pool and all that outdoor stuff. I got to my car and started it. I pulled out of my driveway checking back to the windows of my house to make sure my parents werent looking out them watching me. I've snuck out planty of times before. But, its like I think 2 in the morning.

I drove down Cassie's street and parked in front of her house in the street. Her 'parents' do lock the door, but Cassie was smart and gave a spare key a long time ago. I dont think they were home because I didnt see their car. Only Cassies. I went up the big door and unlocked it quietly. I made my way up the stairs and greeted Cassie's door. I twisted the door handle and I opened it. I saw Cassie over by her desk hunched over it. I heard a loud snort then she looked at me in shock. She had white powder all up her nose and she was holding a rolled up dollar bill in her hand. I walked over to her with my mouth to the floor.

"What..the..hell..Cassie?! I cannot beleive you! Where's mine?!" I joked.

"Oh uh, here." She said looking stoned.

"I was fucking kidding! I don't want none of that shit!" I said snatching the now crumpled bill from her hand and tried to blow off the crack, but it barely moved.

"No! Dont! Give it back!" She whined jumping up from her chair. I grabbed her arm and threw her on her bed and ran over to her desk. I blew on the crack and brushed on is with my sleeve.

"Whate the hell? No! Please don't!" She yelled.

"Cassie stop! I am doing this for a good reason! I don't want you to get addicted, be a crack head, go to rehab, end up in jail and I will loose you! I don't wanna loose my best friend Cassie. Just stop." I said calming her down.

"'re right. I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was thinking." She said swaying a little.

"Sit down. Where did you even get it?" I asked sitting down next to her.

"I-I can't say.." She stuttered.

"Cassie, tell me."

"Nathan. I got them from Nathan. He texted me telling me he had extras and I went to his house and got them. We got high together at his house before I brought them here." She sighed looking disappointed.

"Nathan? I..I can't beleive he gave them to you. Cassie, its okay. The worst I could do was defriend you, which I couldn't ever do. Just don't do it again. Or not when I'm around. As long as I don't see any sign of you doing them, I'm fine. Just be careful." I said.

"Okay." she said depressingly.

"BVB never messaged me back yet." I sighed.

"Well I kinda figured, you would be freaking out if they did." She laughed.

"Ya! True! Total fangirling!" I laughed.

"Just hopefully they say yes!" She said with excitement.

"Me too." I said. Me too.

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