Chapter 2

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A/N how is everyone likin it so far??? Hope u r enjoying it!! Listening to Starlight by Tonight Alive, it's a good song! well enjoy peoples!!-Erica;)

Avery's POV

After art and dealing with the bitches, we had an early dismissal. Cassie and I decided to go to Hot Topic. On our way out of our school, we ran into the bitches we spilt the water on in art.

"Oh my god! This is prada!" I mocked them as we walked past them.

"Excuse me?" Bitch #1 asked with a weird ass look on her face.

"Nice clothes. Shop at the goodwill?" I asked pointing out her lent clothes from the nurse.

"Bitch" she scoffed.

"Rather be a bitch than dress like that." I said. Cassie giggled and we continued walking down the cracked pavement to my car. We got in, pulling out of the parking lot and I held up two CDs. BVB We Stitch These Wounds and Set The World On Fire.

"Black Veil Brides?" I asked nudging the CDs towards her.

"Hell yeah!" she squealed grabbing We Stitch These Wounds and poppin it into the cd player. She immediately changed it to Knives and Pens. It blared so loud it made my leather seat rumble and vibrate.

When we got to the mall, it was fricken packed. I had to park basically at the end if the lot. We were dorks walking in the parking lot. Skipping, jumping, singing, and scaring people. I think we scared about 7 people in the process. We scared at least 2 young couples, and a bunch of little kids.

"Hi there!" I called after a good looking boy. He turned around, smiled and walked away. Me and Cassie just laughed.

We skipped down the aisle if the lot to the big doors to Hot Topic. When Cassie pulled open the door, I heard a terrible song by a terrible band. The Flood by Escape The Fate.

"Shit" I said under my breath.

"Agreed" she said and rolled her eyes.

The first place I went to was the band shirts. I found really cool BVB,FIR, and BOTDF shirts that I decided to buy. Then I went over to the jewelry to look for a new nose and lip ring. I picked out a black stud for my nose and a hoop lip ring. I also found the cutest necklace ever. It was a red heart that had black splatter paint all over it. I bought all of those and went to find Cassie carrying a huge pile of shirts, jewelry, and a pair of shoes.

"Jesus christ! Buy the whole damn store why don't you?!" I joked.

"I just might." She chuckled sarcastically.

When she got to the counter she pulled out a huge wad of cash.

"Where in the world did you get all that?" I asked knowing her 'parents' would never give her that much.

"Oh ya know, stole it from the ol' pops wallet." She smile popping the 'p'.

"Niice." I said.

As we walked out of Hot Topic, something caught my eye. A flyer advertising something for BVB. I ran over to it with a ton of curiosity. I read what it said,

'Get your BVB tickets to see them live at any Hot Topic store, or online on their webite. Starting at $25. Sales end May 3rd so hurry up and buy your tickets BVB army!'

I quickly remembered what the date was, May 2nd. The sale ends tomorrow!

"Cass! Come here now!" I yelled after her searching frantically for my money.

"What? Who died?!" She asked being a dork.

"No one, but look!" I said pointing at the poster in excitement, "We have to go! I'm buying mine now!" I said walking back into Hot Topic.

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