baby book//g.d

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AN// im sosososo very sorry these requests are taking so long. i just have so many to do and they've all been for gray recently, so then i have random e ones in between so its taking even longer :( anyway, i hope the person who requested this likes. i love you sosososo much.

(third person pov)

Dear Blakely,

Hi princess. It's your dad. Me. Grayson. Yeah, that guy. How are you? This is so dumb I don't even know what to write.

You're a day old as I write this. One day, angel. You're all wrinkly and tiny, I can hold you in one hand! You're in my lap right now, wrapped in blankets and staring at me with your teeny little eyes. They're the same colour as mine, I think. We'll have to see as you get older.

Your mama's sleeping, she's pretty tired. She pushed you out of her. Out of her. Gosh, what a strong fu fricking woman. I love her very much, your mother.

Life is gonna suck, I mean, by the time you read this, you'll already know, huh? I mean, don't worry, I've got you. I'll make sure it sucks a little less. We'll make it better, don't worry.

Uh, what else. See, I thought I'd be the, like, you know, really cute dad who'd write you a letter for you to read when you're twenty or something but this is just crap. Maybe I won't do this for your brothers and sisters. Maybe I will, I don't know.

Oh, princess, you're giggling. Oh my gosh, I made you, I made you- you're so fricking cute, look at you, wow. You're so wonderful, my little bundle of joy. My firstborn, my first princess. Gosh, I love you so much, angel. So much.

It's so cute when you smile. I mean, you don't smile very much. Mostly you cry and you're a needy baby, always wanting to eat. Give your mother a break, angel. But when you giggle, like you just did? That was so fucking cute oh my gosh. You light up my world. Okay, that was a little less cringey in my head.

I'm never gonna leave you okay, sometimes dads just leave but I promise, I'm never ever gonna leave you. I swear I'll always be around and do whatever it takes to make sure you're safe and loved and cared for.

I'll give you the world, princess, as cringey as that sounds. Or I'll try to give you the best parts I know. I'll raise you to be the strongest most independent woman I know you're gonna be and I can't wait for you to grow up and make this world all yours and take over. I'm kidding.

I love you so much. Maybe I've only known you for a day, but I've been waiting all my life for you to get here, princess. I love you so much, Blakely. So so much.

Love, daddy.

P.S. i love you more than uncle e does, don't listen to him.


"Daddy!" Gray turned from the stove and looked down, the baby on his hip still screaming. "Daddy!"

"Hey angel," Gray sighed, crouching down to kiss her. "Good morning."

"Morning, daddy." She climbed into a chair as the three-month-old baby on his hip cried, the one-year-old in his highchair beginning to do the same.

"I know you're hungry, your mama's in the bathroom, she'll be here-" he groaned as Brooke cried harder. "Angel, please- Blakely?" The three-year-old looked over. "Can you help daddy for a sec?" She nodded and came to him, staring up. Gray handed her a plate. "For your brother, sweetheart."

"Ben," she said, pushing it onto his tray. He sniffled as she patted his knee from under the seat. "Morning, Ben!"

"Thank you, princess, and this is- Brooke, please angel-"

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