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To Beatrice,
Your children I met and safe they'll be
They're a lot like you I see.

For the Baudelaire children, all it took to leave their guardian was the sting of pain from a reddened cheek.

In most cases, when meeting a new person, one should not judge a person based on their first meeting because one could end up getting the wrong impression. In the case of the Baudelaire children, their first meeting with Count Olaf was the exact impression they were going to get if they were to know him for their entire lives. The impression of an awful man with a unibrow, salt and peppered hair, and a tattoo on his left ankle of an unmistakable eye. An eye that stands for three letters of immense danger and destruction wherever they were found. The initials VFD.

So why may you ask why I'm telling such things?

Well, it came to my attention that the moment I found out of the death of the Baudelaire parents and the knowledge of the Baudelaire children, that I would have to fix the mistakes of the past. Yet as I look at the three children eating a well deserved meal I realize that I am in over my head.


Yet what choice do I have?!?

These children.

They deserved better.

"Mr. Lemon sir, why are you being so nice to us?" Violet Baudelaire said.

"Why would that be a question? Shouldn't that be the norm?" Lemony said as he continued to type on his typewriter which seemed quite amusing to the children for a man to be caring around a typewriter. Yet they did not stop him from continuing on with his work.

Violet Baudelaire, the eldest Baudelaire, was a brilliant girl with a knack of inventing and you could always tell when the gears and pulleys in her head were at work when she wore a ribbon to have her hair kept out of her face.

A trait she got from her mother.

"Well Mr. Sniks, good norm and courtesy is something we have been faulting in for a while now. So I suppose meeting you is a stroke of luck." Klaus Baudelaire said

"Luck is not chance. It's Toil." Lemony quoted.

"Fortune's expensive smile is earned" Klaus finished off, recognizing the quote. "Emily Dickinson."

"One of your father's favorite poets, he always liked American humorists although your mother tended to find plays and dramas far more appealing."

Klaus Baudelaire, the middle child, was a boy who wore glasses that made him look intelligent, which he was, and would spend hour upon hour reading books in his parents library, remembering every detail given to him.

A clear trait of his father.

"Thssif" Sunny Baudelaire said.

Sunny Baudelaire, the youngest Baudelaire, was around the age of one or two who was the size of a loaf of bread and four sharp teeth which left her a good impression in biting hard food along with only being able to speak in baby-like shrieks and noises. So when Sunny Baudelaire would say Thssif, it could have meant something along the lines of "You knew are parents mister?" Which her siblings were quite to translate.

She probably skipped a generation.

"I knew them for a long time. Before Violet was even born." Lemony said being careful with his words.

It was considered ill advised to talk of things in a past that he himself had his own questions to. Yet to speak of secrets that their parents were not willing to speak about was not something Lemony had the right to do.

"But why didn't are parents ever mention you? In fact, why would are parents never mention anything about are guardian? Well. Ex-Guardian," Klaus said, still understanding as to why Count Olaf would even be their guardian to begin with. Or as to why Mr.Poe believes closest living relatives meant living close by.

"To answer your first question. That is a long story. As to the second, just by what I understand right now is that there was a high chance of a consultant intervening in the situation. I know your parents well enough to say that you three should not be anywhere near Olaf.," Lemony said continuing on his typewriter but was soon caught off guard seeing a crying Klaus.

"That's the nicest thing I've heard all day," Klaus said in between sniffles.

God I need to help these children...

To thee, a sad lemonWhere stories live. Discover now