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"Jessa? Are you ready?" Dhiren says after knocking at the door.

"Come in, Dhiren, I could use a bit of help if you would." Jessa isn't used to the human style dresses and they are more complicated than the elven style which are easy to put on and take off with out assistance. 

Dhiren comes in and his breath is taken away as he sees Jessa in the dress he bought her earlier. "You look stunning, Jessa." Dhiren smiles at her as he looks at her face in the mirror. He goes to her and does up the back for her. He can't help running his fingers along her back as he does and is pleased by her shivers. 

He never takes his eyes from her and so he knows that the shivers aren't of disgust.

Once the dress is done up he takes a step back in order to calm himself down. Being alone in a bedroom with her isn't the best idea, he realizes.

"I have another gift, I hope you will accept it." Dhiren says and hands her the package with the moonstone head piece.

Jessa looks at it and then back to him. "It's lovely, but I don't recognize the jewel."

Dhiren smiles, "Lady Zira blesses these particular stones whenever they are able to receive her light." Dhiren motions to the window and has her set the piece into the moon light.

Jessa gasps softly as the stones begin to glow and give off a soft light. "Please let me place the piece on your head." Dhiren requests and Jessa merely nods and hands him the piece, not entirely sure how it is supposed to be placed.

Jessa had left her hair to fall in it's natural waves down her back so when Dhiren places the silver and moonstone piece it looked like it was raining moon beans along her ebony hair.

"Take a look, my lady," Dhiren says and guides Jessa back to the mirror.

Jessa holds her hand up to her mouth in shock. "I have never seen a more beautiful woman in my life, Jessa. Do you accept my gift?"

Jessa turns to him with tears in her eyes. She throws her arms around him and hugs him. "Of course I do, Dhiren. Thank you."

"Hey, don't cry. We should go now, if you are ready? It wouldn't do to be late and embarrass your grandfather."

"You're right. Alaric detests it when people are late." Jessa says and heads towards the door once she makes sure that she won't be showing any tears.

"Dhiren, I don't have another gift for you," Jessa says as they leave the room. Her words are soft and embarrassed.

"Fuck, Jessa, I didn't give you gifts to make it so that you give me one. The courting gifts are meant to be given only when you feel that you should. I don't want you to feel obligated to get me anything. I saw the dress and you liked it and I wanted to get you something that you would like but would be more feminine than your normal wear. I have nothing against your normal clothes, I rather like seeing you in them, actually, but sometimes a female needs something more, like tonight.

"As for the jewels, well, you deserve so much more. You are a jewel and even though many of my people might not realize it, I do. As do my parents. It is only right that you have jewels of your own to wear."

"They are lovely, Dhiren, truly, but I have no place to keep them. I can't bring them with me when I have a guarding job."

"I'm sure that Alaric will permit you to leave them here. He might even have a place to hold them for you. If not, then we can have them deposited with Frosnak. She has vaults for the money and she rents some of them out to private citizens when there is a need."

"Okay, I didn't know that. Thank you for letting me know."

"I'm sure that Frosnak would tell you about it herself when she gets to that part of your education." Dhiren reassures her as he escorts her down the stairs where his guards await them.

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