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"Well, it seems as if you are healed as much as we can help you with, Jessa." Sorid says unhappily and Jenna is frowning at her side. Neither is happy that she hasn't fully healed.

"Lady Zira has informed me that the only way for you to be fully healed is for you to go to your grandfather."

Jessa is rather shocked but happy with those words. She's shocked because she is still running a low fever. She hasn't told any of them but her side has been getting more painful. She hadn't wanted to be kept in any longer. She knows that it might be foolish of her for not saying anything but she just can't tolerate staying in bed any longer.

"Lady Zira told you that?" Jessa finally finds her voice before Sorid can leave.

Sorid smiles understandingly at Jessa, "Yes, she came to me earlier and told me it's necessary for you to leave once more. There is nothing more she or Lord Jethro can do to help you. The rest of the healing will need to be by Alaric or the Ancient One.

"Has Sorsha talked to you yet?" Sorid says changing the subject.

Jessa looks at Sorid puzzled, "No, I believe she was supposed to but after you examined me I fell asleep and she hasn't approached me since. Is there a problem?"

Sorid smiles sadly, "Not so much a problem as news. I'll send her in, what she has to say is important. At least for you, I believe." With those cryptic words she leaves her daughter looking confused as she sends for Sorsha.

She has no doubt that Jessa will want to talk to her once she talks to Sorsha. Sorid will tell her what she can, but some things need to come from Sorsha.

Sorsha comes to Jessa's door and wipes her hands down nervously. Things have gotten better between the two of them, but what she has to tell the princess might have damaging consequences. Finally she knocks.

"Come in," Jessa calls out, she's beyond bored. Dhiren had left to attend to something for his father and her mother left to summon Sorsha for some reason. Kallen is, of course off doing his work, just because she's out doesn't mean that her loved ones are able to sit around her to entertain her.

She is more than a little puzzled as to why Sorsha needs to talk to her. There isn't anything that she can think of at this time. 

"Sorsha? Sorid told me that you have something to tell me. Is there something I can help you with?"

"I-" Sorsha starts to say but is unable to say anything else. She looks at Jessa with tears in her eyes.

"What is it? I promise I won't get angry." Jessa is more than a little alarmed at the normally stoic elf female is now in tears.

"You remember the night I was with Nathan?"

Jessa pauses as she thinks back to the night that she and Dhiren came together for the first time. Her eyes widen as she thinks she understands what Sorsha has to say. She hopes at least. For the first time since she found out that Nathan didn't make it her eyes brighten.

"Of course, he heard and danced to Lady Zira's music. You joined him as his partner."

Sorsha nods and looks down blushing. She looks up and whispers, "I'm pregnant by him. I just found out the morning before he died. I was going to tell him the next time I saw him." Sorsha breaks down crying. 

"You are going to have his child?" Jessa says beyond pleased.

"Yes, but I don't know if he has any family." Sorsha looks down unable to face Jessa.

"Sorsha, please come here," Jessa asks gently.

Sorsha goes over to her and Jessa pulls Sorsha down and holding her to her tight. "I will be your child's second mother, if you will let me be so. Nathan doesn't have any other family. His lover ran off and married another. The baby he thought was his is being raised by another. But I suspect that the baby wasn't his either.

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