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Addison hopped out off the car slamming the car door Bryant gave the guy his money before the guy pulled off"well that was a awkward car ride"dixie nodded.

They walked in to the restaurant"hi welcome to Max's how many"the young woman asked looking at Dixie"3 please"The woman lead them to a table and sat them down"your waiter will be here shortly"

Dixie sat down beside addison she smiled at her but addison was still upset about the guy in the car"hi I'm waverly I'll be your waiter today"

"Hi can I have a coke"dixie asked looking up giving her a smile the woman smiled at her before looking at addison"I'll have the same"

"I'll have a tea"Bryant said looking through the menu dixie watched as the woman walked away she was probably about 20

Dixie thought about ways to make addison jealous it was hot as hell"that girl was super cute I'm thinking about asking for her number"Bryant said.

Bingo!!"I know right fine as hell"dixie said looking in the direction waverly walked before looking at addison"she's not that cute"addison said looking at Dixie

"She is pretty cute but anyways what you eating"dixie asked now looking at her menu"I think I'll just have a salad I'm suddenly not hungry"

"You sure"dixie questioned Addison nodded before getting on her phone checking Instagram dixie and Bryant continued to talk about random stuff.

"Alright you guys here's your drinks have you decide on what you want"waverly asked smiling nicely.

"I think we have I'll have the steak"Bryant said smiling she then wrote it down before looking at addison"I'll just have a salad"

"And for you what will it be"waverly asked looking at Dixie"I'll have a steak as well but make it medium rare"

"And will that be all honey"

Dixie nodded waverly spinned around and dixie made it a point to look at waverlys ass"dixie stop starring"addison said

"I'm sorry I can't help it"

"Are you serious right now first you tell me you like me and now your checking out other girls right in front of me"

"I'm sorry what's your deal"

"My deal is that I don't want to date someone who can't respect me or even acknowledge that I might feel jealous when she talks about how hot another girl is"Addison whisper yelled before she got up going outside

"I have to go get her be right back"dixie said standing up following addison out side"addison...addison wait"

"What dixie"addison said as she turned around"in sorry I shouldn't have done that"dixie said looking at her hands.

"Well duh"

"I was just trying to make your jealous I didn't think you would get so worked up about it"

"I would you try to make me jealous"

"Because I think it's...hot"dixie said now smiling addison looked at her before she busted out laughing"I hate you"

"I know"addison walked over to dixie"now give me a kiss"dixie listened and leaned in kissing addison"another one"addison said

Dixie did what she was told"eh one more"dixie looked at her before addison laughed again"your so funny"dixie said sarcastically

"I know I am now let's go eat"

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