My life sucked

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Angelina's POV

Hey, I am Angelina Dahlia Williams. I live with a hardworking father and a loving mother and I love my life, Is what I wish I could say about my life, but unfortunately, I can't.

Rather my story is my mum died when I was nine and my father has never been the same ever since then. And neither have I

My mum died in a car accident.

On my birthday.I know, sad, right.

I remember that day like it was yesterday, mom just went out to get my cake, chocolate cake to be exact and on her way back home she was hit by a driver that ran a red light.

when we got the call from the hospital that my mum was admitted and was under critical condition we rushed there.

When we got there the doctor told us she doesn't have long to live and we should say our final words to her. Dad started crying immediately and told the doctor that mum couldn't just die like that, that he had to do something to save her.

while my dad was going on full rampage mode, I walked into my mom's hospital room and saw her attached to too many tubes and I hated the sight. My mum looked too pale and she wasn't smiling but the moment she opened her eyes and saw me she smiled and gestured for me to move forward, and I held her hand.

"My darling Rose, remember I love you and i'll always be with you in your heart, you are my angel, and don't forget to open my present, its underneath your bed. Even if you forget everything please don't forget to open your present. I love you." And with those final words her hands that had a firm grip on my hands slackened and  she died.

She died.

She actually died.

My mom died at 10:07am on November 17 holding my hand.

This is the part where I tell you that I cried for days on end.

Well, I didn't cry.

I had sleepless nights.

Even when I slept, I had nightmares of my mum calling my name and when I run to hug her she slips right through my arms.

When her sister, Aunt Mary-Anne came from New York and pet me and told me its okay to cry, I still didn't. I just couldn't find it in me.

My grandparents came, my mothers parents because my dad's parents died a while back, and they also comforted me and told me that when I cry it would feel better than holding it in. I still didn't cry.

But my father, he cried for the both of us.

He cried so hard that Uncle Timothy Aunt Mary-Anne's husband had to give him sedatives so he could sleep.

But still, I didn't cry.

we finally buried my mum. And I still didn't cry. I just stared into the distance and zoned out.

People came and they went saying how they've lost a beautiful soul and dancer.

Yes my mom was a dancer and she loved to dance. She taught me most of the things I know today because of her. She went to NYU and did dance. When she danced it was beautiful no matter the type she did. But she couldn't go into it professionally after a move gone wrong. Her knee was never the same again. But she still danced.

Five days after the burial I remember my mum told me to check underneath my bed for my birthday present and that I shouldn't forget to open it.

So I go under my bed and I see a small rectangular sort of flat box and I pick it up.

when I open it, I  see an angel winged locket and when I pry both the wings open, words were written on it and it said,

I'll love you forever

As long as I live 

My baby, you'll be"

and on one wing is a picture of me and the other is of my mother.

As I read those words and look at the picture, I start to cry.

I cry so hard that my throat starts to hurt.

I cry so hard that I didn't know when Aunt Mary-Anne and Uncle Timothy came into my room until I am in Aunt Mary's lap.

 The next few weeks went by in a blur, Aunt Mary-Anne and her husband had already left and dad was stuck in his office so the the only person I had around was Charlotte.

Charlotte was the house keeper at that time.

Three months later dad fired Charlotte. I cried for a few days because my only companion was gone.

You're probably thinking why I didn't have any friends my age, but I used to, I just managed to push everybody away after my moms death.

Though my dad rarely payed attention to me, I still pulled through.

I managed to learn how to cook for myself and other essential stuff, but my most favorite past time was to sing and dance.

My birthday was fast approaching and dad kept on coming home drunk.

I didn't know what to do so I always stayed in my room and waited till the morning came, bathe, get dressed make my breakfast and wait for the school bus, so I can go to school.

The day I've been dreading all year finally approached and I was as sad as could be.I didn't even go to school.

Aunt Mary-Anne called the home line and asked about how I was feeling and how everything was at home and I told her fine. Though I was feeling anything but fine. She asked of my dad I told her that I haven't seen him all day. She didn't say anything and she told me that she would call me the next day.

I was getting prepared for bed and praying that I wouldn't have any nightmares,but little did   know that nightmares would be better than what was gonna happen that night.

As I came out of my bathroom and wore my PJ's I heard my dad calling, no, shouting my name. I quickly ran downstairs and I saw my dad with ruffled clothes,bloodshot eyes and was staggering like a dead tree with only bare branches.

As he moved closer to me, I kept moving backwards.

"Stop moving you worthless brat." he spat out

"She's dead because of you, its all your fault,you just had to want that cake!"He screams to me.

And before I knew it, my dad was beating me black and blue and he kept on repeating "its your fault,its all your fucking fault."

At the young age of 10, my dad started to abuse me emotionally and physically.

At the young age of 10, I knew my dad was no longer my dad but a monster.

At the young age of 10, I felt depressed.

At the young age of 10, I started getting scared of the touches of people.

At the age of 10,I knew my life sucked.

And I embraced it with strength.

In case you were wondering this is what the locket looks like

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In case you were wondering this is what the locket looks like.

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