I'm cute but crazy

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Angelina's POV

I've seen a lot of beautiful houses in my life but I don't think any of them look as beautiful as this one.

Good God, my aunt lives in a mansion.

"How many people live in this house?" I ask with a look that probably looks something between shock and excitement.

Aunt Mary-Anne chuckles but she still answers my question "If we add you to the equation, that will make seven people.Talking of people, a girl your age stays here, she's the daughter of our cook,Matilda, the girls name is Lillian, I hope you guys get along."

"I hope so too."I say with a smile as we get out of the car.

As we got out I let out a yawn, I was really tired,but it was only 6pm but guess I was really tired because of the time difference between London and New York.

" I can see that you're tired but before we show you to your room we have two things to show you. First we have to introduce you to the household and secondly the surprises" Aunt Mary-Anne says while smiling 

All I did was nod because I was  tired.

As we got into the house my eyes lit up as I see a line of people.

"Sshh, she's here, guys don't scare her away with your wierdness,  I want her to be my friend, but if you guys scare her off, she wont even look at me." A girl with bleach blond hair and black root says to two elderly people that are facing me while her back is turned to me. 

Already, I like the girl so before she says anything I quickly say

"I would never avoid you because of your parents wierdness, I'd avoid you if you didn't have any wierdness in you. Weird is cool. " 

And the girl which I presume is Lillian turns around and looks a little bit baffled and I just return her expression with a smile that says I look cute but I am crazy. 

As she walks toward me, she has the same smile on her face.

" I am Lillian and I believe you and I are gonna have a lot of fun together." She says as she stretches her hand out to shake it, though I am wary to take her hand I suck it up and just shake it.

I think she notices this but she doesn't say anything, instead she waits for me to shake it and I do.

"I am Angelina and I am counting on the fun we are gonna have." I say with a gentle smile 

" Before I forget, these are my parents Mr and Mrs Miller and you must already know James."

"Its a pleasure to meet you Mr and Mrs Miller, and of course I already know Mr.James." I say politely.

"Please call us by our names, don't make us feel older than we already are, my name is Matilda and this is my husband Thomas but everyone calls him Tom and the pleasure is all ours." Matilda says with a motherly and soft smile on her lips

"And how many times do I have to tell you to call me James." James in a playful voice 

"I promise I'll call you James, James." I say using the same voice that he used for me.

"Its good to see you all getting cozy together already but we have to show Angie her surprise." Uncle Timothy says as he comes down the spiraling staircase.

"Oh honey, how was your day, I hope you didn't stay cramped up in your office all day?" My aunt asks her husband with a knowing look on her face.

"Emm. I..I.. You know what, I am just gonna apologize,but lets show Angie her surprises first before that." Uncle Timothy says with a sheepish look on his face and we all just laugh even, Aunt Mary-Anne.

I am led to a garage, if I can call it that, Its huge, and it s filled with  more than ten cars.

"Its seventeen cars." Uncle Timothy says with a bright smile on his face, like he knew what was going on in my mind.

"Now before Timmy starts going over every little thing about every car let us just show you your surprises, they are just under this tarp." And as she pulls the tarp away I stand in my place frozen. 

I don't know what to do first. Do I scream of excitement or hug them out of joy. 

Since I cant decide on which to do first, I just do the two of them.

"Oh my God, thank you,thank you,thank you so much,I cant believe you did this, I cant believe you got me the Kawasaki Z400 metallic spark black and a 2019 Polestar 2." 

Just because cars make me a bit uncomfortable that doesn't mean I can't admire them and like them.

"Why would you buy me a car also you know I prefer motorcycle and cars make me a little uncomfortable, I am not saying I am not thankful for the Polestar, but why?" I ask in a curious voice.

" Well you wont be able to ride your bike in this condition because its too dangerous and you will need a means of transportation and I wont allow you to take the subway when you can drive. Or when you can have someone drive you around. And before I forget, check inside the car" Aunt Mary-Anne says in one breath.

Aunt Mary-Anne has a point.

I can drive perfectly well actually ,but I prefer not to.

It was even Aunt Mary-Anne that took me to get my drivers lesson,but I still have to leave the windows down if  want to drive.

As I get into the car I see a bag in the passengers seat. Its somewhat big so I remove the first content its a brownish Dell Xps 13 laptop, I scream out of excitement and I look out through the windshield and  aunt Mary-Anne and uncle Tim gesture for me to continue.

The next thing I bring out are Beyer dynamic Amiron wireless headphones. 

I don't look up but bring out the last two objects in the bag and they were Iphone 11 and airpods.

Immediately I drop the objects carefully and run out and hug them without saying anything because I am scared that if I do I will cry.

That's how Aunt Mary, Uncle Tim and I stand there for a while sharing this long hug until I finally pull away.

"Thank you so much, Not just for this." I say gesturing to the car and motorcycle 

"I mean thank you for everything."

Its at this moment that I decide to let go of my past and focus on my future.

This is a do over for me and I intend on truly starting over. 

There's nothing that's gonna hold me back.

The last part reminded me of Shawn Mendes' There's nothing holding me back. I hope you liked this chapter though it's quite short. Please don't forget to vote. Thank you 😍😍

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