Where 'Here' Begins

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     "You took what?" Theo, my older brother, asks. He is slacked on our couch, playing something on his PS4, being his usual self, ugly and annoying.

     "I took Accountancy, so what?" I mumble, pouring milk over my cereal.

     "The point of University is, my dear Nam, you enter it and you actually finish it," he comments, as if I need it.

     "Well, don't call me 'dear' if you're gonna call me 'dumb' after, loser," I scoff before munching my cereals away.

     Here is where, ladies and gentlemen, I shall explain myself for taking such a degree program when I know it is beyond my capabilities, as I have been borderline average my whole life. And no, I don't mean I'm tipping into the above average spectrum, I am tipping into the other side of the line.

     I made a mistake, okay?

     When I was answering the survey, for some reason, I shaded "Bachelor of Science in Accountancy" instead of "Bachelor of Arts in Communication". Now, how I confused the latter with the former, I don't know.

     It might be the nerves and the anxiety of taking the entrance exam. Theo told me not to make mistakes in answering because if I can't erase it properly and neatly, the machine won't be able to read my paper or worse, it might be rejected all together. Between leaving it as is and ruining my life or erasing it as if my life depended on it, I chose to leave it as is. Genius.

     It all boils down to the fact that Granite Wood University is not the place I wanted to get into so I didn't think much about my mistake. I wanted to get into West View University, the school in the main city next to ours. If you have lived all your life in the suburbs, you would get me. I want to get into the 'crazy' and the 'busy' of an urban jungle city. But I failed that one, so here we are.

     Here I am with the Universe against me after spending the summer doing Chloe Ting's Youtube workouts, spending an hour every day to slather my face with 6 products worth of budget skincare and dying my wavy hair red just because, thinking my almost non-existent highschool life will be pushed to the gutter as I step into this new found university womanhood.

     "I just don't get it, you were never into sciences and mathematics. You're more artistically inclined than anything," he asserts as he places his controller down. From my peripheral vision, I can see him intently looking at me. He knows when I'm hiding something by just looking at me and so I keep my gaze exclusively to my now empty cereal bowl.

     What is worse than making a mistake in choosing your degree program is your genius brother finding out about it and so I plan to play this out for the rest of my life. He will forever see me as someone who beat the odds and the Universe. Someone who..

     "It was a mistake, wasn't it?!"

     Damn it.

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