In love

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Ida's POV
I looked up and saw a girl standing there. " Harry!" She said. " Harry looked up and his face expression changed. "it's not what it looks like!" He said and and ran after her.
Harry's POV
"Kendall wait!!!!" I shouted while I ran after her. She ran to a park near the bus and I was right after her. People saw us and started to take pictures. " just let me explain" I said as she turned around. "Explain what?! That you just kissed that slut? Have you done it with her too? Of course you have, she's a fucking slut and you are exactly like her!"
" I don't care if you call me stupid names but don't you dare say something like that about Ida! She's far away from being a slut." " seems like you love her more than me" " yeah maybe I do" I said and walked back to the bus. " Harry what happened?!" " c'mon Harry just say something!" " did you and Kendall brake up?!" Paparazzis shouted after me. I went in to the bus and everyone sat on the couch. " Harry can I talk to you?" Ida asked. " of course" I said and we went in to the bedroom." Ehm listen Harry.. Can we just forget what just happened? It was a mistake." She said. " Yeah" I said while I sat down in my bunk. "I mean, you have Kendall and" " It won't happen again. I said. We both sat quiet for a while. "I broke up with Kendall" I blurted out. " what!? Why??" She asked and sat down beside me. "Because I don't love her." I said. " oh.. " she said and stroked my back. " heyy 5sos is here now!" Niall shouted.
Ida's POV
We went out to the living room. My eyes landed on 4 boys I've never met before. " hello I'm Calum!" "I'm Michael but you can call me Mikey if you want" "I'm Luke!" " and I'm Ashton." Gosh that Ashton guy are hot as fuck. "Hello?" Calum said and waved his hand in front of my face. " oh ehm sorry! I'm Ida." I said and smiled. " really nice to meet you Ida" Ashton said and pecked my hand as I started to blush. " ohhhh someone's blushing!!" Louis shouted. " oh shut up!" I said. " hey how about you and I go out for a coffee later?" Ashton asked me. " so soon?" I asked. " yeah why not" he said. " okay sure!" I said and died a little inside.

~later that evening~
"What coffee do you want?" Ashton asked. " ehm no coffee but a Shaken Sweet Tea would be lovely." I said. " okay two Shaken Sweet Tea for me and my lady." Ashton said and smiled at me. He came back to our table with our tea. " here you go" he said and handed me my tea. " thanks "
"So tell me about yourself" Ashton said.
" okay.. I'm Ida Anderson and I'm 18 years old. Ehm I don't think there is more to know about me." I said. " you got to be kidding with me!! I know there is more interesting things to know about you." He said and took my hand in his. " well.. Ask me whatever you want to know." I said. " are you single?" He asked. "Yeah" "hmm do you like our band?" "Haha yeah you guys are really good!" "Do you like it here in LA?" " ehm yeah kinda"
We're outside the tour bus now.. The "date" with Ashton was really fun. " so I guess we should say goodbye.." Ashton said. "yeah. I had a really good time with you, we need to do this again sometime!" I said. " yeah we really should!" He said. " good night Ashton" I said and started to walk to the door. "wait!" He said and I went back to where I stood for some seconds ago. " can I get your number?" He asked. " oh, yeah sure" I said and he gave me his phone." Thanks " he said. " your welcome" I said. He hugged me and pulled my body closer to his. He started to lean in and just as I was about to pull away, he kissed me. The kiss was magical.We ended the kiss and thank god it's dark outside because I look like a tomato right now. " you're a good kisser" he said. " so are you" I said and opened the door. " goodnight" both of us said and I went in to the bus. I know it's a little early to say this but god I think I'm in love with that boy.

~ hello my beautiful readers! Thanks for the votes and comments on all the previous chapters. Please keep on voting and comment! And I really need your help to come up with ship names for Ida & Harry and Ida & Ashton. Write the ship names in a comment!! Love you all!! 😘😄❤️~I.A~

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