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Ida's POV
I woke up and felt an arm around me. I looked at the peacefully sleeping boy beside me and couldn't stop myself from smiling. I got out of his grip and put on a new pair of panties and one of Harry's t-shirts. I went down to the kitchen to make breakfast. I put on the teapot to make me and Harry a cup of tea. I felt hands on my hips and Harry's chin on my shoulder.
" morning love, are you okay?" He asked as I turned around to face him. I looked at him and couldn't hold in my laughter.
" what's so funny?" He asked with a big grin on his face.
" I'm glad you feel comfortable enough around me to walk around butt naked, but you should probably put on your underwear cuz my mom is coming over soon"I laughed.
" so you don't think she would appreciate to see the real me in my birthday suit?" He joked.
" don't think so"  I said while he went up to his closet to get a new pair of underwear.
" happy now?" He grinned as he ran down the stairs.
" you know I like you with or without underwear, but yeah that's good!" I laughed as he kissed me. We sat down at the kitchen table and drank our tea.
" about last night.. You don't regret it do you?" He asked and took a sip of his tea.
" not a second.. Anyway, I'm gonna take a shower now, I don't want to look like this when mom's coming."I said, changing the subject.
" let's save water, I'll join you" Harry said, standing up from his chair.
" no Harry I want shower alone now.. Need some time to think you know.." I said.
" oh yeah sure beautiful, I'll just stay here" he said and kissed me before I walked to the bathroom.
I got out of the shower and put a towel around me. I turned around and looked in the mirror, my eyes landed on two marks on my neck. "of course" I said to myself. I went out of the bathroom and put some bodyloation on before I put on black skinny jeans and a black turtleneck shirt.
Harry stumbled in through the bedroom door.
" I'll be down soon, I'll be quick!" He said and went in to the bathroom.
I put on some makeup and tried to cover the hickeys on my neck before I made my way downstairs.  I heard a knock on the door and opened it immediately.  Mom came in and hugged me.
" hello darling" she said as she let go off me.
" hi mom, welcome to our small apartment!" I joked.
" small?! This is much bigger than I expected.. " she said and looked around.
" come here" I said and led her in to the kitchen.
" where's Harry?" She asked.
" he's in the shower" I said.
I poured up a cup of coffee and gave it to her.
" you know Ida, I'm very proud of you.. I never thought you would make something like this out of yourself." Mom said.
" I'm with you on that one" Harry said joining the conversation.
" Harry!" Mom said as she hugged him.
" you two look so happy together! Are you happy?" She asked.
" yeah mom, you don't have to ask that!" I said.
" we're more than happy" Harry said and kissed me on my forehead.
" I'm so glad you found each other again." Mom said and hugged us both.
" mom, we're heading out soon. We gonna meet up with Cornelia" I said.
" oh how fun! You need to find her a handsome man, she's been single for so long now!" Mom said.
" believe me mom, I have someone in mind." I said and looked at Harry. He gave me a confused look.
" well, I better go now" she said and hugged us and left.
" so? Who's the guy?" Harry asked when mom closed the door.
" call Niall and ask him to meet us at the mall, we're going shopping!" I said.
" I see" Harry said with a smirk on his lips.
Harry called him and he said yes.
We put on our coats and boots and went out to Harry's black Range Rover.
We picked up Cornelia and then we drove straight to the mall.
Harry parked the car and I guess we were kinda lucky cuz no one asked Harry about pictures and stuff this time.
We went in to the mall and saw Niall leaning against a wall with a bunch of girls around him.
" isn't that Niall Horan?!" Cornelia whispered.
" it is" I said an smirked.
Niall saw us and waved as the bunch of girls went over to us and asked Harry for pics and autographs. Cornelia and I went over to Niall.
" heyy Niall" I said as he hugged me.
" hi princess" he said as a giggle escaped my lips.
" this's is Cornelia" I said, introducing her.
" hi I'm Niall, it's a pleasure to meet you" Niall said and shook her hand.
" you better be nice to her Niall, she's my best friend" I said.
" I'm always nice to people, especially to beautiful girls like Cornelia." He said, in an offended tone.
I looked at Cornelia and saw her blushing cheeks.
" hello" Harry said joining the conversation.

~3 hours later~
We all ate in one of the restaurants in the mall, and after that we shopped some stuff that we needed.
" so, Harry and I need to get something from the drugstore so the two of you can go get some coffee or something and we will be back soon." I said as me and Harry started to walk to the drugstore.
"Let's go home" I said as we passed the drugstore.
" what about Cornelia and Niall?" He asked.
" someone has to give Cornelia ride home, and since we're home, Niall has to do it." I said as a smirk grew on my face.
" you're brilliant" Harry said, taking my hand is his.
Just as we were about to walk out of the mall someone called my name.
I turned around and saw Erik.
" Ida?"
" hii Erik!" I said.
" it's been so long! How are you?" He asked.
" oh I'm good, just moved in with this dude" I said kissing Harry's cheek.
" Mr Styles? Is it really you?" He asked.
" call me Harry"  Harry said and shook his hand.
" shit I never thought you would get back together" Erik said.
" well, we're back together and happier than ever" Harry said.
" I better get going, Anne is waiting for me but we should totally meet up sometime and get some coffee or something?" He said.
" oh ehm okay sure, take care!" I said as We left the mall.
Anne?! He's dating Anne?!
We went out to the car, and luckily there was only a few people there.
We jumped in to the car and drove away.
I looked at Harry and saw that he looked annoyed.
" Harry?" I said.
"Mhmm?" I said which clearly showed that he was annoyed.
" what's wrong?" I asked.
" nothing, I'm just focused on the road" he said but I knew he was lying.
" Harry, don't lie to me.. I can clearly see that something is bothering you."
He looked at me and then back on the road.
" you're right. You're going to meet up with Erik, and that makes me uncomfortable.. You would feel exactly the same if I met Kendall." He said.
" I never said I wanted to meet up. Besides, he's with Anne so you don't need to worry. I want you and only you. And to answer the last thing you said, yes I would feel the same if not even more. Kendall is a fucking model, she's rich, has a well known family and 100000 more things that I don't have." I said.
Harry sighed and stopped the car outside our apartment.
We both went inside and I headed straight up to our bedroom.
The fact that he didn't say anything made me kind of sad.
What if he goes back to her?
The thought stayed in my head for the rest of the day.
4 hours later.
Harry and I haven't talked since the ride home and I've been up here in the bedroom since we got home. Harry went out for some hours but came back for a while ago.
I put on one of Harry's T- shirts and took off my pants.
I walked out of the room and down to stares to see Harry on the couch watching the fire in the fireplace.
He turned around and smiled.
"Come here love" he said.
I walked over to the couch and sat down on the other end of the couch.
" I mean here" he said and pointed on his lap.
I sat down right next to him instead of his lap.
He took my hand in his and sighed.
" I'm sorry Ida.. I didn't mean to say that." He said and kissed the top of my hand.
" It's okay, I'm the one who started it all." I said.
" no it's my fault, I got jealous." He said.
The room was filled with silence and the only sound was from the fireplace.
" and just so you know, I would never leave you for Kendall or anyone. I don't care if Kendall has a lot of money or the fact that she's a model and so on. You're the only one I want." He said.
I felt so stupid.
" I'm just an ordinary girl with nothing to offer except my love for you." I said.
" you're not ordinary to me" he said as he tuck my hair behind my ear.
" and your love is all I need."
Moments later his lips were on mine.

~Hii! I know it's been a long time since last update, sorry about that. What do you think of the story so far? Feel free to comment and please vote if you like it. ❤️
Btw, what do you think of the new cover for the story? My best friend Connie98 made it!🙅🏼
Love you all❤️☺️

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