Telling them

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Harry's POV.
Everyone looked at me when I came back in to the bus. " where have you been?!?" Ida asked. "That's not important! I need to tell you guys something.. Something important about me." I said.
" let it out man." Zayn said.
" okay.. Before I auditioned for the X factor I was a teacher." I said. Everyone looked shocked, even Ida.
" you were a teacher? For high school or what?" Liam asked. " yeah" I said.
" that was the important thing you wanted to tell us?" Louis asked.
" that's not all.. Ida was my student.."
Everyone looked at Ida.
" what?!" Ida asked.
" but why didn't you tell us that earlier?" Liam asked.
" because I couldn't." I said.
" we should tell them everything Harry.." Ida said.
" there's more?!" Niall asked.
" Ida was my girlfriend." I said and scratched my back.
" your what?!" Ashton asked.
" my girlfriend" I said once again as his face tensed.
" so you were the one who br"
" yeah I was the one who broke her heart but I truly am sorry" I interrupted Niall.
" we should go" Calum said to Michael, Luke and Ashton.
So they left.
" okay now tell us the whole story." Liam said. We all sat down on the couch and I begin our story.
" it all begin the first day after summer. I was the new teacher so I wanted to talk to each student about their grades and stuff and Ida's grade in math was really low so I offered her some help so she came to my place after school and I just felt a special chemistry between us and that night we had our first kiss"
" Harry!" Ida hissed.
" sorry" I said.
" anyway, after awhile we had our first date at my place and that night Ida told me that she liked me and so did I. We went on a class trip to Ireland and that's where I asked her to be my girlfriend. Some months later my boss, the principal knew everything so she gave me a choice, to leave and never come back or she would call the police. I couldn't tell Ida so I broke up with her before I moved away." I said.
"But why didn't you tell us that earlier?" Liam asked.
" I never thought I had to but the day Ida came with us I knew I had to say it someday." I said. Everyone was quiet.
" I told you about my past, about all the bullying and stuff." Liam said.
" well, I'm sorry." I said feeling guilty.
" don't" Liam said and left the room. Zayn, Niall and Louis went after him.
" was that the right thing to do?" I asked Ida.
" you had to say it sooner or later so it was the right thing." She said.
" come here" she said and hugged me.
" they'll understand" she said.

6 months later.
Ida's POV
Today is the last day and the boys last show.
I'm glad it's almost over.
Zayn left the band, me and Ashton are over so now I just wanna throw myself in my own bed and do nothing at all.

"What are you doing sitting down here?" Harry asked.
"Just thinking"
"Well,let me think with you.."
He said sitting down beside me on the floor.
"Tell me all your worries, I'll always listen"
Harry said putting his arm around me.
My feelings for Harry has grown since the tour started and to be honest, I think I love him.
" Harry.. Listen. There's this guy I like and I don't know what to do because he will never feel the same about me again.." I said.
"Again?" He asked.
Shit no.. Why did I say that?!.
" no I mean I just know that he won't lo I mean like me back beca"
He interrupted me with a kiss. A kiss that I desperately needed.
We ended the kiss and looked at each other.
" how long have you been waiting to do that?" I asked.
" too long" he said and gave me a peck.
" I know it might be hard for you to trust me again but I love you Ida." He said and took my hand.
" so you wanna give it a try?" I asked.
" if you give us a chance. I promise I'll never let you down" he whispered.
" I'd love to" I said and kissed him.
He stood up and took my hand in his. " Ida Anderson, will you do me the honour and be my girlfriend" he laughed.
I stood up beside him and laughed. " you know I will" I said.

The rest of the day and night was good. The boys had their last show and I got my prince.

~ hey! I'm so so so so so sorry I haven't updated in a while. This chapter sucks but I had to do it to continue on the story. I promise you that the next chapter will be much longer and better!
I also wanna recommend my other fanfiction called " it's complicated"
It's about Harry meeting his daughter for the first time and he's trying to win Darcy's mum back but there's a problem.. He's dating Ida's step sister. Please read it and tell me what you think.
Oh and please vote if you like this chapter and feel free to comment. I love you all!❤️☺️

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