Chapter: 9 The End Of It All

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I woke up the next day at 10 AM. Me and Melanie had fallen asleep on the couch last night. I should have been in school by then, but I sent a message saying I was sick. Then I called Jacob, since he had left several missed calls.


Hi, I saw you called me last night.

Oh, that was nothing...I just wanted to talk.

But if you just wanted to talk you wouldn't have called me over 10 times!

I said it's nothing. We can talk at school.

I'm not at school. I overslept, and I just sent a message saying I was sick.

Then we can talk after school.

And then he hung up. Was he mad at me or something? Maybe he just felt uncomfortable talking with me after he confessed. I had to tell him how I feel! But how would I do that if he didn't even have time to talk to me?

I decided to wait till he had come home from school, and then meet up with him. So I sent a message telling him to meet up with me at the same park as when he had confessed. I expected him to say yes, but surprisingly he said no.

"I have a lot of homework.", he said.

"Oh, ok. But can we meet afterwards then?", I asked.

"I'll think about it..."

Since Jacob didn't want to meet up with me, I decided to go shopping with Melanie. She knew a lot more about fashion than me. I asked her for some nice, casual clothes, but all she picked was short, girly dresses.

"I won't be caught dead wearing that!", I yelled at her.

"SHHHH! We're at a store!!! And just try it on! You might like it!"

"I don't need to try it on to determine whether or not I like it! I don't like it, so I will not wear it!"

"Oh My God, just stop acting like a child and try on the freaking dress!"

"I'm not acting like a child!!! You're forcing me to wear something I don't want to wear!!!! And a no is a nooooo!!!!"

"Fine! I guess I'll just have to drag you to the dressing room then!"

And so she dragged me to the dressing room. She gave me the dress, and told me to try it on. I was tired of all the yelling, that I decided to just wear it. And surprisingly, it actually looked quite good. We bought the dress, plus a few other clothes and headed to the cafe. And you'll never guess who we met there. None other than the play boy himself, Alan.

"Well well well, I see you finally made up with your friend.", He said while not even looking at us.

"Well, unlike you, she's actually easy to talk to.", I said.

"I'm difficult to talk to? HA! Then what are you, Eva? Impossible to talk with, or?"

"Actually, she's very easy to talk to! She's a great person, and if you can't see that, then you don't deserve her!", Melanie said.

"I don't want her either! I mean, yes she looks good and all, but I have my own girlfriend now!"

"Did you just compliment me?", I said out loud.

Me and Melanie started cracking up, and Alan just looked at us while blushing. He held his girlfriend's hand, and dragged her out of the store. Me and Melanie just continued our day, and left the shopping center around 9 PM.

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