Chapter: 8 Betrayal

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I stared at Jacob for what seemed like hours. I was in complete shock. Had he just confessed his love to me? Did he mean it? He was the one that broke up with me, why would he suddenly like me again? Several questions went through my head. Both Alan and Jacob had confessed? Who was I supposed to choose? After a while Jacob stood up.

"W-where are you going?", I asked confused.

"Home. I know you don't feel the same, so what's the point of trying?"

"Jacob, I-"

"Just...Just stop. I'll talk to you in school."

He shortly left after that. I sat under the tree and looked up on the sky. My life was way better before. The bullying, abuse..All of it was way better than my current situation. My life has completely changed...I thought the college life would be a dream, but it has only been a nightmare. If I could just go back to the good old days. When I was a normal kid, living a normal life. 

But I can't do anything about it. I'm just a person that does a lot of wrongs. A person that's easy to hate on. And I guess I never know how to apologize either. These past days it's always been me me me. I've never focused on anyone else than myself. If I had it wouldn't have been that difficult to answer Jacob and Alan's questions. 

I ended up sleeping under the tree. When I woke up, it was around 7 AM. I went to my apartment, and knocked on the door. A girl with blonde hair and green eyes opened up the door. 

"Uh, I'm sorry, do I know you?", The girl asked.

"I'm the one that should be asking you that! What the hell are you doing in my house?!"

"Your house? This is my boyfriend's house, weirdo!"

"Your boyfriend? This is my house! Leave or I'm calling the cops!"

"Geez, you're making this super difficult. ALAN, come here for a second please!", The girl yelled.

"What is it ba-"

He froze when he saw me.

"Oh Eh, Hi Eva."

"Who is this s***, and why won't she let me into my own house?!"

"She's my...My girlfriend..."

"Your what?!"

"Look, I told you to answer by tomorrow, but you never did. So I just found another one."

Was he being serious? Who the hell would do such a thing?! He never cared about me in the first place then. Which means....Melanie was right. Oh God, I had done a huge mistake! I need to apologize to her. But first I need to fix this drama.

"You know what, just leave. You can not live with me anymore!"

"Fine! I don't need you anyways!"

Those were the last words Alan said before he and his girlfriend left. I was furious. He seriously just found another girlfriend, simply because I didn't answer fast enough? I thought I would be heart broken, but I wasn't. I didn't need a person like him. He was never serious about the confession. If he was he would never have moved on in less than a day!

After that whole situation I knew Jacob was the one I would choose. Jacob truly loved me. He didn't pressure me to answer in less than a day. He probably didn't even want the answer. He just wanted to get his feelings out. Something that Alan never had done. He pressured me a lot, but I never cared. I was so in love with him that I didn't even realize that he was hurting me. 

I wanted to go tell Jacob how I really felt. But Melanie was way more important in this case. I hadn't talked to her in days, and now that I found out she was telling the truth I needed to apologize.So I drove to her house, and knocked on the door. She answered immediately, but didn't seem that happy to see me outside of her door. 

"What are you doing here?", she said with the saltiest tone I've ever heard.

"I-I came to apologize..."

"So you finally realized that he's and a****** after all."

"I'm really sorry. I should have listened to you from the beginning..You're my best friend, and no boy can come between that."

"Yeah, you should have listened to me. I'll forgive you as long as you don't do the same mistake again."

"I won't, I promise."

She invited me into her house, and I stayed there for the rest of the day. I kinda forgot about everything that had happened. I even forgot about Jacob. Life felt more relieving when it was just us two. 

"Can I be honest with you?", Melanie suddenly said.

"Of course.", I replied.

"You..You have changed. I remember us in high school. You always put others before yourself. But after the whole accident, you stopped caring. If you hadn't, Jacob would have even stayed with you..I'm not trying to be rude, it just..It hurts everyone around you.."

I stared at her for a while before breaking into tears.

"I-I didn't know you felt like that...I...I'm so sorry."

"Don't cry please..We all changed...And we still can...So don't worry...We don't hate you. We just felt like you weren't that close with us anymore.."

"Is...Is that why Alan found a new girlfriend?"

"I'm sorry, what!?"

"He..He confessed to me, but got a girlfriend the day after.."

"I feel so bad for you. I promise, if I ever see him again I'm going to give him a piece of his own mind!"

"It's not needed. I didn't really care that much. You were right about everyone changing. He's so rude, and I just don't understand why? He used to be so nice."

"People change. If you didn't mind, then just ignore him. He's the one who's missing out on a person like you. Like honestly, I would have dated you if I was interested in girls."

"You would have? Thanks...Those words make me feel better. You're so good at comforting people. I feel comfortable being around you."

"Awh, thank you. Honestly, I was starting to question if you hated me."

"I would never hate you. You're a good friend."

"You know what. Let's just talk like this the rest of the night."

And so we did. It felt good having my friend back. I realized that I didn't need to think about Alan and Jacob all the time. I should just think and talk with Melanie. She's my best friend after all. So I decided to not talk to Jacob nor Alan for the rest of the day. I had gotten several missed calls from Jacob, but I didn't pick up.

Which was a huge mistake....

Hi Hello!

I-I think SF9 is becoming one of my ults alongside The Boyz and Stray Kids.

You would think that's great news, but NO!

That means I'll just get biaswrecked even more😭

I already can't decide an ult bias, and now I stan a group with 9 members.

Ok, I'll stop talking about my love for SF9-

Anyways, this week I'll be updating a lot. School is starting in a few days, and I won't have that much time to write on Wattpad anymore. I also said I would finish this book before school started.

That's all.

Goodbye, Au Revoir, Adios

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