Epilogue: The New Mission

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A group of six people were all fighting a small group of demons. Though only three of them were able to see them, two of them didn't believe that they were demons, and the final was gravely injured due to a ghoul.

They fought in a warehouse off of 5th avenue in New York City. "What do we do?" a blonde man asked the group.

"I don't know. I can't even see what I'm fighting!" The other blonde said as he threw a shield. A man with a bow and arrow looked around at some of the demons.

"We should call Fury."

"Uh, why do we need a pirate?" A man in a metal suit asked as he flew above them.

"Because. He can contact the people who deal with these kinds of things." The bow man answered as he pulled out a communicator and started to send a message.

That message was sent out to the director of Shield, who then sent it to a certain strike team in Harajuku, Japan.


Minutes later a group of seven people, most being teenagers, walked into the room. The oldest closed the door behind them, though they were in a warehouse the other room looked like an apartment.

The group all got into fighting positions and the man in a metal suit finally spoke up. "Clint, you didn't specify that the agents were children!"

"Shut up, Stark. They know what they're doing."

The boy who looked to lead them stood tall and looked at all the demons in the warehouse. His hair was a stark white and a small blue orb was in the middle of his chest. Blue flames ran down his arm and hardened into a somewhat spear in his hand.

"Strike Team Thanatos! Let's reap some souls!"


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