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"Nott...why are you being such a creep?"

Cecile had been writing down a few notes for Potions when Ginny spoke and looked up only to find Theodore standing in front of their table with an annoyed frown aimed at the youngest Weasley. She grinned up at him, "Hey there, Sunshine."

The look Ginny gave her was ignored as Theodore's frown deepened, "Call me that again and you'll be bald for the rest of the term."

"I might look good bald, you never know."

There was a slight vein above his brow that didn't go unnoticed by the two girls as he slowly gritted out, "It's almost time for dinner, we should get going now."

She stared at him blankly.

Theodore scowled.

Oh! The little get together at the Astronomy Tower was happening tonight and Cecile had remembered she was supposed to get the drinks. "You forgot, didn't you?" Theodore asked with a little smugness at her obvious blank expression, "Honestly, Dempsey."

"And where are you going at this time?" Ginny questioned before Cecile could even come up with a clever response.

"None of your business, Weaselette."

It never fails. The tension between Slytherin and Gryffindor was always prevalent through the years and it's quite clear it hasn't died down since. War or not, some things never change. Didn't matter how cool or friendly Ginny was. Or how indifferent and quiet Theodore was. The house rivalry would remain.

Before Ginny could respond, Cecile had gotten up from her seat with her bag now over her shoulder, "Don't mind him, he's just a grumpy cat these days. I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Fine," her friend grumbled not before giving Theodore another glare, "you harm her and I'll cut off your dick."

Theodore looked at her up and down and smirked, "You wouldn't be able to handle me, love."

"Why you little sh—"

"SSH!" Madam Pince appeared, scowling at the Gryffindor.

Cecile grabbed his arm before Ginny could get up and pound the guy and dragged him towards the library exit. "Are you trying to get me banned from the library?" She asked, letting go of his arm as they began walking side by side down the corridor. "Because honestly, that would be amazing. I've been trying to do that since fourth year."

He gave her a look as if she had hexed her eyebrows off, "Why?"

"A bet with Roger Davies." She waved off, fondly recalling the former Ravenclaw Quidditch captain, "He thinks he's won but that little toerag doesn't know what's coming to him."

"What do you get out of it?"

"A hippogriff." She noticed him staring, "What?"

"I think you're even more loony than Loony herself."

Cecile gasped as a wider grin appeared on her face, "Really?"

Theodore didn't reply. Instead he grumbled and rolled his eyes, mumbling along the lines of 'bloody Ravenclaws' as they made it outside. Fortunately, they were able to make it out of the castle undetected as every student was currently heading to the Great Hall for dinner.

It was the perfect time for them to sneak out into Hogsmeade and grab what they needed. The two walked together in silence for a while, both too consumed by the thoughts dancing around their heads. Cecile's stomach was currently twisting in all sorts of directions, no doubt it wanted to leap out of her body and run away at the mere thought of going back to that tower.

Fair Game | theodore nottWhere stories live. Discover now